Chapter 41

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"You sure you don't need anything?" Jisung asks for about the third time now. Then I shake my head, for the third time, declining any more help from him. Jisung had walked me up to the shop where he was about to start working.

I hadn't been back here since the beginning of the week. I already had my interview, passed it and all. I had to express that I couldn't properly start until I finished up my old job, my current one. Surprisingly, they were really accommodating. All that was requested was that I come in a few times before I officially start, so I at least could be shown how everything is done and introduced to the system in place.

"I'm sure, Jisung." I assure, attempting a smile. I don't want to think about what happened with Soomin. Not right now, not anymore. "I'm alright now, thank you."

Jisung and I have gotten closer too, over the past couple of interactions. He's the one who has been teaching me everything I need to know, so naturally we've become more aquatinted with one another. I'd like to think we're friends by now.

"I'm about to start my shift now, so I've got to go get everything ready." He informs me, pointing to the storage rooms. "I'll be back there if you need me for anything."

"Thanks, Jisung." I reply, looking down at the ground with a smile. The first real one all day.

"Hey...." Jisung catches my attention once more, making me look up at him. "I mean it, for anything-

"Alright alright, for anything." I echo, pushing him towards the back. "Now go do your job."

"I'm serious, Ae-Young." Jisung tries to say without laughing.

"Yeah, I know." I assured him. "I'll holler if I need some ramen."

"Promise?" Jisung jokes, holding up his pinky finger. I don't even entertain the idea and just continue to push him to do his job. "Okay, I'm going. I'm going!"

I laugh to myself quietly as I hear him do the same. Then finally, he disappears to the back, ready to start his tasks for the day. I contemplate for a few minutes on whether or not to leave, and decide in the end that it's probably best that I get back to the long list of my own tasks for today. They were really planned for yesterday, but you know...procrastination.

As soon as I see Jisung again, I point to the door amd mouth that I'm leaving now. He just nods, understanding. I give him a quick wave goodbye and go on my way.

The first thing I have to do is go home. I need to phone up the place I'm doing my course in. There's a few questions I have that I don't know the answers to. I've tried calling at other times, but I always get them too late. Now since it's fairly early, around 2 in the afternoon, I'm bound to get an answer.

I rush back home, worrying that if I take too long, something will happen and I won't get through. As soon as I'm home and settled in, I open up my document where I noted all my questions, and called the place immediately.

This time I was lucky enough to get through to someone. It was a lady on the other end, really sweet. Most of my questions were simple enough, I just couldn't seem to find the answers on the website. I asked when the course would commence and the typical timetable, as well as a few questions on the financial aspects.

I'm lucky to be applying at the perfect time. The lady explains that the course is set to start next month. Not to mention, it's mostly online. She begins to explain how it'll be online four out of the five days each week. She's also extremely helpful with her advice on finances. Since I had done nothing but working and saving up my money like crazy, until this year when I stepped down, I was fortunate enough to be able to pay in full for my first year.

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