Chapter 18

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As I approached the Todoroki door and prepared to knock, my nerves were wracked with nerves and anxiety. I had never met this family before, besides Enji and Shoto, and I wasn't sure what to expect. That sense of uncertainty had become overwhelming to me, but as I heard footsteps coming from the inside of the house, I felt both excited and nervous. Soon, the door opened, and Rei greeted me, and I felt welcomed by the warmth and kindness of the family. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions, but I could also tell that the family was truly embracing me as one of their own.

Rei greeted me with a warm smile. "Oh, hello. You must be Astra," she said. "It's lovely to meet you," I replied with a bow, following the Japanese customs of greetings.
As I stepped into the Todoroki household, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. Rei's warm smile and the invitation to the dining area welcomed me like family. "Well come in, everyone has been waiting for your arrival," she said, stepping aside to open the door wider for me to walk through. I took off my shoes and followed her to the dining area, where I could see the Todoroki family gathered around the table, eager to meet me. "Not too long, I hope," I replied with a friendly smile.

Rei chuckled, "No, my dear. We just finished up cooking the Tofu Katsu Curry."

As I approached the dining table, I could see that the Todoroki family was seated on the floor around the table, in the traditional Japanese style. I felt a sense of respect for the traditions of their culture. Fuyumi, who gave me a friendly smile. "Oh, hello! You must be Astra," she said.

As I sat next to Fuyumi at the dining table, I suddenly felt all eyes on me. I could sense Enji's gaze from across the table, and I sent him a brief glance, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of being the center of attention. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and I crossed my legs on the floor, hoping that it might help to make me feel a bit more at ease. As Rei took a seat across from me, I felt a sense of comfort and relief, knowing that she was nearby and that she would help to keep things peaceful between me and Enji.

"Oh, you are here." Enji mumbled under his breath. I still haven't forgotten about our last encounter. He didn't seem to be happy about me dating Toya, who is just a wanted criminal in his eyes. I glaced daggers at him in response.
Fuyumi began to make conversation. "So, how is your day going so far?" she asked. I thought for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe my day, and then I responded, "Pretty good. I can't complain." I picked up my chopsticks and started to dig into the Tofu Katsu Curry, eager to enjoy the meal. Enji was seated across from me, and though I tried to ignore him, I couldn't help but notice him mumbling under his breath. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and continued eating.

I turned to Natsuo, and I decided to make conversation to help pass the time. I figured that talking about college and the career path he had chosen would be a safe topic. I turned towards him and asked, "So, how is college going?" He gave me a smile in response and said, "Challenging. Remembering the names of medicine can be tricky, though." I nodding, understanding how difficult it could be to remember such complex terminology and concepts. I also smiled at the thought of learning more about medicine and science, as I had always been curious about those topics.

As we continued to talk, I was feeling eager and excited to learn more about medicine and science. I was also interested in hearing about Natsuo's experiences in college and what it was like to study medicine. We continued to chat throughout the meal, getting to know each other and sharing stories from our respective lives.

As I finished my conversation with Natsuo about medicine and science, I shifted my attention to Fuyumi, who was seated across from me at the table. I knew that we both shared an interest in cooking and different cuisines, so I felt like this could be a great opportunity to connect with her as friends. "Fuyumi, have you learned any new recipes lately?" I asked, with genuine curiosity in my voice.

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