Chapter 1

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"Viv, you here?" You call out as you enter your apartment, locking the door. You turn, and stand in shock. Leon Scott Motherfucking Kennedy is laying on your living room carpet, next to your broken coffee table. Your roommate, Viv, is standing behind the couch, looking over in just as much shock.

What in god's name is going on? Is this dude ok? He looks dazed. Is he an actor? Cosplayer? Stripper that she hired to play a prank on me? But... The coffee table is legitimately broken. She looks horrified, I've never seen her face like that.

"What the fuck just happened?" You ask, your tone confused and concerned.

"I- I have no idea, the ceiling just opened and-and he fell and then the coffee table snapped and then you walked in!" Leon grunts and sits up, completely unaware of his surroundings. "I was just about to sit on the couch and then that happened. You didn't miss much, I guess."

"Didn't miss much? I think I missed quite a bit, Viv! If this is some sort of elaborate joke, you need to tell me now," you say, eyes wide.

"I-it's not! I swear on my cat, dude," she exclaims. You slowly nod and look to Leon, who's staring at you with furrowed brows. Slowly, you set your things down on the floor, keeping eye contact with him. He looks at you in more confusion, his head tilting sideways.

Stepping closer, you examine more about him. He looks post resident evil 4, but he doesn't look like he was recently on a mission. He's wearing nothing but a blue shirt and thick pants with boots.


Who is this girl? She's a sight for sore eyes. She's acting like I'm some dangerous animal, walking towards me slowly. Her eyes, they haven't left me. On second thought, where the hell did she even come from? I thought I was just walking through my house, and tripped.

I look around with only my eyes as she comes closer, seeing that I'm in some sort of home. Her home. I put my hands up, trying to show her I mean no danger. She crouches in front of me on her knees, and reaches a hand out. My eyes flick to our hands as her thumb touches my palm and her other fingers wrap around my hand. I close it around hers.

Why is she looking at me in disbelief? It's like she's looking at an alien. What am I to her?

"H-he's real..." She whispers. I grip her hand tighter, and her eyes fall on mine. Real? What the hell is she talking about?

"Well that's a fucking problem. I just thought we might have been telepathically hallucinating," someone else says. I turn to see someone standing behind the couch, another girl. Roommates?

"Hey," I say quietly, turning back to the first girl. Her eyes widen and she tries to pull away, but I keep my grip, holding her thumb in my hand. I need answers. I can't have her flip out on me, it could end up screwing me over badly. "Please, tell me what is going on. What are your names? And where am I?"

Her lips part, and all that comes out are panicked breaths. I turn to the other girl, and she has the same expression on, except slightly more defensive. I might have a better chance with the one holding my hand.

"Stay calm. Everything is fine, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just please, fill me in," I whisper to her. Her hand grips mine tighter, and she looks at me with a mix of sympathy and worry, biting her lip.

"I'm y/n. That's my roommate Viv. I don't understand how or why you're here. I can't exactly fill you in, because we have no idea what's going on either. I'm still half thinking this is a joke."

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