Chapter 8

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Ugh, can't .. get... awake...

You fail to move your body to wake yourself up, the only success being that you open your eyes. Reality comes to you, and you realize you're not on the couch, but in your bed. On top of Leon. Oh wow, he's more comfortable than the bed. Wait, did he take me in here? I must've crashed on the couch, I'm such a narcolept sometimes.

Slowly, you turn your head to see that he's in deep sleep, your movement not waking him whatsoever. His arms were wrapped around you, his grip tight. Maybe that's why I couldn't move when I was trying to get up.

You snake your arm out from under his and grab your phone that happened to be on the bed. Checking the time, you see that it's 8 PM. Damn, I slept for a while. I have no doubt Viv is sleeping too.

You decide not to move, finding there was no need to. So, there you laid, cuddling up on Leon, comfortably scrolling on your phone. More time passes, and you just listen to the beat of his strong heart and his soothing breathing.

Out of nowhere, groans come out of his mouth. Looking up you see his face contorted with pain, and out of pure reaction you sit up and try to wake him.

"Leon, Leon, hey wake up," you whisper, gently rubbing his shoulder. He silently takes a sharp inhale and his eyes open, looking around frantically. They settle on you, and his body relaxes beneath you, his eyes no longer showing panic.

"Hey, cupcake." He whispers. "Sorry, bad dream."

"It's okay, just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm more than alright with you straddling me like this," he says with a devilish smirk. Ah shit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I-" your apology is cut off when his finger meets your lips, silently hushing you. Your mouth closes and he takes his finger down, looking at you with his baby blues. You release a quiet breath that you didn't realize that you were holding, and his hands plant themselves on your hips.

"I like you like this," he whispers. "The pressure feels good, doesn't it?" Oh god, don't say things like that. I'd finish before he even touched me. Your face flushes, and a guilty grin forms. "Yeah, it does. I certainly think so. You know, I'd kill to have you like this more often."

You shake your head and he gives your hip a squeeze.

"You're just saying that," you whisper, closing your eyes.

"I'm not. I haven't been able to keep my eyes off you, y/n. We can take this at whatever pace you want, and I don't care if we go slow, you're worth the wait." You look down at him, his eyes showing he's telling the truth. Is it possible for your entire uterus to throb? Is he being real right now??

His hand rises and his thumb traces your chin and jawline, lightly caressing it as he admires you. God damn, all my sense goes out the window with this man. I'll have his kids but like... Maybe it'd be best to take it slow.

"Maybe we can try slow," you whisper. I want the opposite.

"Okay," he says with a nod. "Just tell me your boundaries, and I'll listen. You don't have to worry about feeling forced," he tells you. I want you to force a lot of things but I can't say that out loud.

"I'm fine with anything... Well, maybe not sex yet but everything else I guess..." You confess. He chuckles and swipes a strand of hair behind your ear.

"That's just fine, cupcake." Your hands glide from his shoulders to his chest, and he moves his hand to your neck, just barely laying his fingertips on your skin. Kiss him.

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