Chapter 13

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"What the hell noise was that? Can you check my phone?" Viv asks me, pulling into the parking lot. I pick it up and see a red screen, with a very alarming message on it.

Emergency alert from y/n.
Location: Home
Time sent: 1 minute ago

Emergency alert? No, this must be an accident, right? I just left her, she said she'd be fine, no one was around for anything to have happened.

"We need to go," I tell her, showing the screen. Her eyes widen, and she snatches the phone from me.

"Shit! Not good, let me try calling, I'm turning around," she says, peeling out while pulling up y/n's contact. The phone rings, and rings again. Pick up, pick up! Eventually the call goes to voicemail. Oh god, please be ok.

Viv speeds down the highway, heading home as fast as she can.

"Fuck, I better not have to call the cops."

"I am a cop, technically," I say, slightly panicked. She looks at me, shaking her head.

"Dude, not the time," she says angrily.

"Sorry, you should know it's my coping mechanism by now." She hands me the phone.

"Try calling again. If it goes to voicemail again I swear, this is not a false alarm." I hit the call button once more, my anxiety growing with each ring. What could have happened? We weren't gone for long, how could have anything caused her to send an emergency signal? Did someone hurt her? Did she hurt herself?

My racing thoughts are stopped by the sound of her voicemail, and I hang up, wanting to crush the phone in my hands. Am I going to have to kill someone? If anyone lays a finger on that girl, they're done for. I don't even know if that's the case. A lot of things could have happened for her to send the signal.

"Leon, I need to tell you something," Viv says nervously. "I think I saw a familiar car in the complex parking lot. I think it was Eric's." THAT SON OF A BITCH.

"DAMNIT!" I yell out, clenching my fists. "I knew I shouldn't have left her, I fucking knew it, I saw something," I spit out.

"You think what you saw earlier was him?"

"I KNOW it was. His car's there? His unexpected visit the other day? It has to be. That fucker's gonna pay, whether he did anything to her or not."

"Just don't kill him legitimately, please," she tells me.

"No promises."

"We can not get away with murder, it's not the seventies anymore!"

"I don't want to think about it. I just need to make sure she's safe." She sighs and exits the highway, almost back to the apartment. I'm getting antsy here, I would rather run there. Fuck, don't be rash. I can't panic, not now.

We pull in to the parking lot of the apartment complex swiftly, not caring if there's pedestrians nearby. I look back at the phone, the emergency alert still on the screen.

Emergency alert from y/n.
Location: Home
Time sent: 10 minutes ago

Has it already been 10 minutes? Fuck fuck fuck, we have to hurry!

I look to Viv, panicked, and she pulls into a parking spot and turns off the car, tossing me the keys.

"Go, I'm right behind you."

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