Chapter 11

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"Eyes are up here, cupcake." I tell her. She looks back up with a flushed face, her smile spreading cheek to cheek.

"You cleaned?" She asks, tearing her eyes away from mine, looking at the kitchen.

"I did, yeah. Sorry you had to catch me mid workout," I apologize.

"It's okay. I figured there was a reason you weren't responding back," she said, her smile fading slightly. No, stay happy, I'm so sorry. I got carried away. "Thank you for cleaning by the way, I appreciate it." Her eyes lock onto mine and she stands on her tip toes, pecking my cheek with a kiss. So... She's not mad?

"Anytime." I can't hold back a smile, my teeth showing. She blushes harder and strains to keep her eyes up.

"I'll let you get back to it then. Can't lose those abs, right?" She teases, walking away. My eyes float to her ass as she turns around, her being completely unaware of my staring. It's only fair I get a look too! Wait, I have an idea.

"Actually, could you help me with something?" I ask, making her turn back to me.

"Help? Sure," she says.

"I'm used to doing weightlifting sets, not so much just bodyweight stuff. Think you could make these push ups a little harder?" I ask, sinking to my knees, looking up at her.

"H-how?" She looks down, a bashful look on her face.

"Sit on my back. Helps me keep my core engaged," I say, giving an excuse just to have her on top of me in some way again.

"You can really hold me and do pushups?" She asks. "I'm afraid of hurting you or being too heavy." I place my hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently.

"Nonsense. I'm a trained agent, remember? You're lightweight," I say.

"If you say so," she says.

"I do say so. Now when I tell you, sit on my upper back, okay?" I look up at her with a grin.

"Okay." She steps back, her thigh moving out of my hand. I get into position and hold myself up.

"Ok, go ahead." She gently sits on my back, her feet still on the ground. The weight isn't much, and I easily support her.

"Take your feet off the ground, I don't need a handicap," I tell her. She kicks off her shoes and brings her legs up, tucking them in. There, that's better. I begin doing pushups, and decide to joke around to ease the slight awkwardness. "Damn, you are heavy," I grunt.

"What??" She says, slightly shocked.

"Just kidding, you're fine," I say normally, holding in a laugh.

"Oh fuck you," she laughs.

"Please do," I mumble.


"What?" I play stupid, acting confused.


I know I heard that from his mouth. He's just playing dumb.

Leon continues to do his pushups, your body sinking up and down with his movements.

"I feel like Billie Eilish in that one video."

"Who?" He asks, turning his ear towards you. "I don't remember Billy Idol being on a hot guy's back."

"Billie Eilish, dork. She's newer, I guess."

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