Chapter 27

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Before I even get a job, I know what I'm going to do. I'm getting that Eric fuck behind bars for even touching y/n.

"Babe?" I feel my jaw muscles relax and look to her, turned around in the driver's seat to look at me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just... Thinking. About stuff I'm going to have to do." I'm kind of telling the truth, right? I just can't get my mind off it now. I never forgot. Knowing what he did, the rage never completely left me. But now that I'm so close to being able to serve him justice, my fire is being fueled.

"Leon." She says, her tone as if I'm in trouble.

"Hm?" I say calmly.

"Tell me." I don't know how you're going to feel about it, baby. You were hesitant in the first place.

"We need to make a police report against Eric. Before I get a job or anything. Viv and I are witnesses, we can get him arrested. Take him to court, use the emergency signal as evidence." I'd rather have him six feet under by my hand, but jail will have to do for now.

"You're absolutely sure about this?"

"Yes I'm fucking sure," I say with a slightly low tone. You've seen how what he did affected me. You know how bad it fucked me up.

"I'm on your side." Her tone is slightly stern, trying to level with me. "I'm okay as long as I never see him again. But if you're willing to get in a legal mess for him, sure, by all means, we'll report him." For him?

"The hell do you mean for him?" I say, raising my voice.

"Leon, please." Her voice is more calm, regretting her words. "That's not what I meant, I just -"

"Just what, y/n? Don't you want him to stay away for good? Keep who knows how many other women safe from him? He shouldn't be allowed outside of his house for fucks sake," I interrupt, making her shut her mouth and clench her jaw.

"Yes, Leon. I do want that. But I don't want you to already be involved with the law just after barely getting a FAKE ID!"

"I ONLY CARE ABOUT YOU! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS TO ME!" Everything falls silent. She looks at me, angry, guilty, and frustrated. Her gaze falls to the floor, our eye contact broken.

"I know that."

"Then why won't you let me do this?" I whisper, my voice in pain.

"Because I'm so fucking scared they're just going to take you from me," she whispers, her eyes looking back up at me. "I don't know what they're going to do with you if they find out you're not from the US, let alone from a different world. I can't - I can't lose you, not to anyone."

"Baby you're not losing me. Ever. I'm here by your side. I'm here to protect you, to make you feel better than before. And if protecting you means putting someone in jail, I'll do it. Whether I'm from this world or not."

A single tear falls from the corner of her eye and slides down her cheek. She wipes it, her nostrils flared and lips tight from her emotions.

"But I'm supposed to do the same for you," she whispers. My brows furrow as my eyes shut, my heart pounding.

"You can, and you do. I wouldn't be here without you, y/n. If we want the same thing for each other then please, listen to me. We'll take it step by step, right?" She's told me that before. In those times where I was in my own head, lost, feeling alone. But with her, I'm not alone anymore. I... I care about her. Love... I think I love her.

"Yeah. You're right. We'll do what's best, together." She sniffles, and I lean forward, reaching a hand out. I stroke her hair, making her drop her head down. "Thank you."

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