Chapter 12

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"Don't act like you aren't one too, Mr. Kent." He smiles and starts walking away, but you call his name. "You need a shirt?"

"Oh, right." He's such a himbo sometimes. Leon grabs a shirt from his drawer and slips it on, waving goodbye before stepping out into the living room. You hear him call for Viv, and the sound of the front door shutting tells you you're finally alone.

You shut your eyes and sigh, listening to the blissful silence of loneliness. It has been a hot minute since I've had the apartment to myself. Not that I mind having Leon around, but I need to decompress sometimes.

After several minutes you begin to doze off, so exhausted that falling asleep in your desk chair is easy.

"God, why are you such a fuckup?" Your boss asks you as you stand in front of her desk.

"Excuse me?" You ask, startled and confused. She rolls her eyes and slams your paperwork down in front of you.

"Do it over. It's not that hard, you know. Don't you have a degree for this?" You furrow your brow at her, shocked at her attitude and words with you.

"Want to find someone else to do it? Because I have no problem leaving." Your voice is stern, a serious face on.

"What did you just say to me? I'm your boss, I can have you fired right now."

"Better yet, I quit! Go fuck yourself, and good luck finding someone as good as me, because you won't." You storm out of the office, slamming the door open. A feeling of pride takes over as you walk out, but suddenly you're back home, the feeling washing away.

There sits Eric on the couch, watching a show you've always hated. He turns to you, a dirty smile on and a drink in his hand.

"Get out."

"Not so fast, y/n. I live here, remember?"

Your eyes shoot open and you sit up straight, coming to the reality that reminds you it was all a dream. Well, partly. You're glad you left that stupid job, but unfortunately you didn't curse out your boss before you quit. You just never went back.

Why was Eric in my dream? Ugh, such a freak. I just want to forget about him. I mean, what's his obsession anyway? I told him I was no longer interested and he just yelled at me, and then he kept trying to text me. I regret ever letting him come over, stupid y/n. Now he knows where I live! And for fucks sake, he's already met Leon which is not a good thing for either of them.

I mean, Eric definitely couldn't handle meeting Leon but Leon can't handle Eric as a person. He was even nervous to leave me alone, he's probably worried about him coming back. Not that he'd have the nerve. But that's why I'd choose Leon over anyone. He genuinely cares about me, and just wants to make things easier. Plus, obviously he's the sexiest man on earth.

Earlier was so... Exhilarating. I haven't felt the way he makes me feel in a long time. Hell, I was having a hard time even smiling before he came around. Now I can't wipe one off my face.

On the other hand, I'm glad he's ok being away from me, and he's putting in effort to know Viv. I trust her, and I want him to feel the same. I wonder what food they're getting?


"What the hell is a chipotle?"

"It's like... Burritos and stuff? That's the only way I can explain it," Viv tells me. I shake my head with a small grin.

"Okay then. That's where we're going?" She nods as she takes a turn, soft pop music playing lowly on the stereo.

"You do realize a chipotle is a pepper, right?" I scoff and look out the window.

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