Chapter 7

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"Holy shit, his eyes are brown!" Viv spurts out. "That's... I don't like it."

"Be nice, Viv, it's just for when he goes out," y/n says. Oh right, I forgot I had these in. "They look good, Leon. To me at least." I smirk and look off to the side. Not used to getting compliments like that.

"Well, I'm off work early so it's party time," Viv says.

"Awesome. Wanna help me make lunch?" Y/n asks her.

"Sure." I get up and head to y/n's room.

"I'll be taking off these contacts, call for me if you need me," I tell them.

"Yes sir," Viv says with a salute. Dork.

I'm in the bathroom mirror, looking at myself with brown eyes. It is a little unsettling. I almost don't recognize myself at first glance. I take one contact out and look back, studying the difference.

Am I becoming someone else? What's gotten into me, being vulnerable and friendly with someone I just met? Is this okay? Do I just leave my old life behind? Do I try to find out how I got here, or how to go back?

My vision flicks between eyes, my breath quickening. But I have a place here. She keeps me grounded. Did I really have a home before? Or was I a pawn for life, a government weapon? Sure, I knew people and they knew me. But it was for work. That's all my life was, it was a job. I had no fucking chance at being normal.

I take out the other contact and put them away, and go back through the bedroom. I find myself stopping in the doorway at the sight of her, dancing to a jazz song in the kitchen. I lean on the doorframe and watch her smile, the way her hair flows with her body, the way she's entirely and completely her own person. She's free. And I am too, right here. With her.


You feel yourself move with the music, dancing around Viv as the both of you make food, listening to the speakers blaring. She looks at you and giggles, your hand taking hers and spinning her around. You've been humming, but now you're outright singing, making Viv laugh as you spin around her.

"His eyes are like angels," you sing.

"But his heart is -" Viv chimes in.

"Cooold!" The both of you sing and laugh, swaying around the kitchen. Out of the corner of your eye you see a figure in your doorway but don't pay any mind. Right now, you're having fun, who the hell cares if he sees you. I like his eyes on me anyway.

The toaster pops up and you grab the slices, the both of you making sandwiches. You continue to hum and pick up the plates to take to the new table.

As you walk into the living room you see Leon waiting on the couch, looking back at you with his icy eyes. There's that color. Gosh I can't contain myself, they're just so gorgeous.

You hand him his plate and he thanks you. You sit next to him in the middle of the couch, and Viv squishes herself next to you, your body sandwiched between them.

"Definitely not used to having three people on the couch," Viv laughs.

"We make it work, it's fine," you say, taking a bite. "We make damn good food too." Leon nods with a mouthful of food, and Viv turns on one of her dramas.

The three of you sit and watch the cheesy show, occasionally laughing at the bad jokes. Neither you or Leon have any clue what the plot is, but you're enjoying yourselves, just relaxing next to each other. I love how normal this feels. It's calming knowing there's no awkwardness.

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