Chapter 30

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"Soo?" I ask, mimicing y/n's tone. She rolls her eyes and plants a kiss to my cheek as I shut the door. Viv sits on the couch, pausing her drama to listen in.

"How'd the interview go??" Her voice is excited and bubbly, making me smile even more.

"It went well, they said they'd get back to me," I tell her.

"Aw I hate that, it's so nerve wracking," Viv says.

"They better hire you, you're perfect for the job," y/n says, seeming impatient about the situation. Of course I am, with all the zombie dogs and special forces training, I'm perfect for working with dogs. Ah hell, I'll hold my sarcasm for later.

"I'm sure I'll get it babe," I reassure her. She rubs my arm, probably trying to calm herself down more so than me.

"Did they say anything else?" Viv asks.
I sit on the couch, y/n planting herself between us as I respond. Aw, she's a little jealous.

"I mean, they said my 'resume' looked good, and that they enjoyed speaking with me. That's kinda it though," I tell them. Viv nods and y/n smiles, snuggling up to me. I missed you too, baby.

"Whatcha watching?"

"This drama, but I don't really know how I feel about it."

"For the love please change it, I can barely watch it my second hand embarrassment is so bad," y/n begs. I laugh lightly, her tone something I rarely hear out of her, besides when she's talking about her coworkers.

"Alright alright, fine. But we're not watching a horror movie." I would deeply appreciate if we did not watch something like that, I don't need PTSD right now.

My new life has seemed to move pretty quickly, from getting my ID to being really serious about y/n, to most likely getting a job. And... actually having a sex life again.

She's just so perfect, in every way. I love living with her, spending time around her, loving her. Although, I haven't exactly told her that yet. I've never been one to express feelings all that much, but somehow she's cracked my shell. Hell, I cried for her.

"Scott?" Shit. Even Viv caught me spacing out.


"Any movie preferences?" Y/n asks me.

"Nothing boring," I say jokingly.

"So helpful," Viv says under her breath. I lightly laugh, her sarcasm entertaining. Y/n's hand finds mine, squeezing it. I look to her, her eyes asking me if I'm ok. I grin softly, and she gives the same back, nuzzling into my shoulder. I kiss the top of her head and lean mine against hers, making the both of us feel secure.

I'm gonna do my best for the both of us. But the first step is waiting to hear about this job. In the mean time, I'll do my best to be a good boyfriend.



"Yeah cupcake?" I take some shampoo, lathering it in my hand before scrubbing it in her scalp. She's facing away from me, letting me massage her while the shower water beats down on my back.

"You seem... Stressed. Or something like that," she tells me.

"Stressed? I mean, I think anyone would stress about hearing back about a job interview. I'm alright though baby, don't worry so much," I explain to her.

"You just seemed out of it earlier, that's all. I know I can be honest with her. I can tell her anything I'd never breathe a word of to anyone else. But will my feelings be too much?

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