Chapter 6

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"Excuse me, could you help me with something?" You turn around to see a pretty girl touching Leon's shoulder.

Who the hell does this bitch think she is?

"Oh uh," Leon says to her, a slight cringe in his face. "Sure, that ok?" He turns to you, his eyes asking you to go with him.

"Sure babe, no problem," you say with a smile and an irritated head tilt. Might as well pretend to be his girlfriend. He did not look comfortable. The girl thanks him and leads you both to the nearest isle, and explains she can't get something off the top shelf. Sure bitch, sure.

"That one?" He asks, looking up and pointing.

"Yep!" You flex your jaw muscles, grinding your teeth as you uncontrollably stare at the two of them, trying your best to hide your anger. He reaches up and grabs it, handing it to her. "Thank you! Hard to find tall guys around here," she comments.

"Yeah, uh, you're welcome." He swiftly turns to you and you fake smile, teeth clenched tight. His eyebrows raise and his lips thin, a small awkward half grin on his face. "Let's go baby," he says, taking your hand. The girl gives you a death glare while his back is turned and you give one back before walking away hand in hand.

"Thanks for that," he says once you're out of her sight and earshot. He never lets go of your hand, allowing you to guide him with your gentle tugs.

"Yeah, course. Girls can be creepy too, especially ones that just come up and touch you," you laugh.

"No shit. Guess it pays having a fake partner at the store," he laughs. His hand grips yours a little tighter, and you make sure not to let go. Oh my god, please don't pass out right now y/n!

"Oh yeah, it scares people away real quick. Oh, there's the coffee tables!" He chuckles at you, keeping up with your speed walking.

"Someone's excited," he teases.

"Yeah, I am. Picking furniture is fun for me," you tell him. His eyes find yours and he smiles, seeming to admire the light in your eyes. His hold on you loosens and you let go, letting your hand fall to your side. I guess it'd be weird if we kept holding hands. You turn back and look at the selection, coming across the table you once had before. "Oh, here's the old one. I was kind of thinking we should get a newer one though, maybe to match the couch better?"

"As long as it isn't ugly to look at I guess," he says.

"Which one do you absolutely not want?" You ask him.

"Oh, I get a say in this?" He asks genuinely.

"You live there, don't you?"

"You're right, I guess I do. Uhh, just don't get a plain white one I guess. Too bright and those get dingy easily. This one with dark wood looks cool," he tells you. It looks similar to the shape and size of your other one, but just a new color and a little bit taller.

"Actually, that's a good choice, and it's affordable. Let's go with it," you say. His eyes light up and you can tell he's happy. He must not be used to doing things like this. You reach for it and barely grab the edge of it, seeing as it's quite high up.

"Need help with that? You have a very rare tall man with you y'know," he asks with slight sarcasm.

"I can get my own table dammit," you grunt, getting on your tip toes and safely acquiring the box. You carry it under your arm, and start walking to the register area.

"Not too heavy? I can carry it to the car," he offers. He just wants to help.

"I'll carry it to the register, but yeah you'll have to carry it to the car."

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