Chapter 19

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"Where's the engnition hole?"

"Press the break, push the start button." His head jerks your way, jaw slack and eyes wide. He does as you say, the car's engine roaring to life, the lights in the car coming on.

"Holy shit, 2023 is crazy."

"Leon my car isn't even that nice," you giggle, smiling at his shock. I guess he never paid attention when we were in the car before? Himbo.

"Nice enough, it gets you around no problem. And you don't even have keys! Just a remote!" His eyebrows are raised, still in awe.

"Wanna hear something even more shocking?" You ask.

"I don't think I'm ready."

"You can start cars before you even get in them with these remotes." He leans back in the chair, hands covering his face. You hold in a laugh, shaking your head at him.

"I'm so fucking old," he mutters through his hands.

"Yeah, you are. Now come on grandpa, get a move on, I gotta get to work." His hands slide down his face, dropping to his lap. His head lazily flops your way, hair falling, his face slightly sad, but mainly showing attitude.

"Don't call me that," he says, pretending to be upset. A smirk graces your lips.

"Or what?" You decide to press him.

"Or you'll never relive our little moment from last night," he says, smirking back. Your smile slightly drops and redness begins to coat your cheeks. You look away, defeated.

"Okay, okay."

"Gotcha." He puts the car in reverse, getting out of the parking spot and getting to the road.

"Take a right, and go down until you hit the highway," you kindly direct him, still trying to shake off the thoughts of what happened last night.

Oh my god, he's my boyfriend now. And... He likes me. The way I am. Gah, I'm questioning reality all over again. I'm just so happy with him. He makes me feel so secure, the way he puts in so much effort to protect me. Damn, I've got it all.

"What time should I pick you up?" He asks, pulling you out of your own head. You take a second to think, telling him the typical time you'd clock out.

"Uh, 4:30 should be fine. I'll be out around then, if I can't I'll let you know ahead of time." He smoothly merges onto the highway, and you tell him which exit to take.

"I'll be there a bit before whatever time you say. I'll make sure no one weird is hanging around," he says, voice calm yet serious.

"There usually isn't," you assure him.

"I don't care. I don't trust that fucker, the moment he thinks you're alone he'll go for you." His voice is more stern, his eyes shifting towards you and back to the road.

"Okay." I understand where he's coming from. This only happened just yesterday.

"You understand I won't let this go until he's behind bars, right?"

"Y-yeah. I know, babe." Because that's so fucking easy, getting guilty men in jail. Ugh, and with his lack of ID and everything, it's all just a mess. I don't even want to think about it.

You sigh, placing your hand on his thigh. He bites his lip, keeping his eyes on the road. He lets his hand float from the wheel down to yours, driving with one hand.

The entirety of his hand engulfs yours, making you feel small. He moves his hand off, making you think he didn't want to hold it. Instead, he flips your hand, palm up, and places his thumb in the center, wrapping the rest of his fingers around the back of your hand.

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