Chapter 22

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"I'm sorry, come again?"

"Leon's fucking missing!" Claire exclaims over the phone to Chris. "People say they last saw him at the shooting range, and he just disappeared. All his stuff is at home, ID, money, everything!"

"Claire, calm down, everything is going to be fine," he tries to tell her. "I know the situation is odd, but he'll come up. He can't exactly just run from the government. He can't get far without an ID or any money."

"It's seeming like that's what he did. I mean, I don't even know where he could have gone. His executives were questioning me like I was the one who told him to do this," she explains.

Chris sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Jill sits across from him, concerned.

"What's wrong?" She mouths.

He shakes his head and waves his hand dismissively while Claire keeps talking over the phone.

"Claire, listen to me. I care about your safety, and if you're going to go looking for him, you're not going alone."

"What could you even do?" Chris sits up a little straighter, slightly hurt by the question.

"I can round up a team, find leads, I can do a lot, sis," he says, slightly stern. "Right now, the best thing to do is to stay calm and think things through. Panicking and making rash decisions never helps, you know that." She takes a breath, keeping her cool.

"It's just... Leon is one of the few people I keep in contact with besides you, Chris. This isn't like him. Someone must have taken him or-" she cuts herself off, not wanting to speak of the worst.

"I know, I know. I'll figure something out, I promise. Come see me tomorrow, and we'll talk it through some more."

"Thank you. Sorry for freaking out on you," she apologizes, tone more calm.

"I'd do anything for you, sis. I love you, ok?"

"I love you too, big bro. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you then." She hangs up the line and Chris sets his phone down, putting his hands in his face.

"Chris? Is she ok?"

"She's fine, her friend isn't. Leon, he's gone missing. Apparently no one has seen him in days and they questioned her about it, they believe that he's on the run, but something tells me it's a different story."

"Kennedy? The other Raccoon survivor?" She asks, leaning towards him with intrigue.

"Yeah, that one. She's real worked up about it, and I know she isn't going to just let it go. I have to help her," he states.

"Well, I'm right with you. Partners got to stick together right?" She gives a small smile of encouragement, patting his knee. He gives one back, placing his hand atop hers.

"Right. Let's find some others, get more people on board. This might be more than just a missing man," he tells her. She nods in response, determined to help Chris and his sister.


"Fuck, your throat feels good," Leon groans. The shower water rains down on your back as you take him in as far as you can, feeling and tasting him leak more pre. One of his hands grips your hair out of your face, the other holding your jaw.

One of your hands slides up and down along with your head, stimulating his whole length. You look up at him, the view of his abs and pecs leading straight to his cut jawline and sexy face.

He smirks at you, clenching your hair tighter. His abs then block the view of his face as he thrusts forward into you, giving you some more inches. You moan, the vibrations making him shut his eyes and bite his lip.

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