Chapter 15

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I heard him and Viv talking, he still sounds pretty upset. I hope he's calming down...

You look in the mirror, towel around yourself as you inspect the injuries on your face. Your nose is sore, but thankfully not broken. That's gonna bruise. Oh god, this is gonna raise so many questions at work.

Realizing you have no clothes, you make sure you're covered enough and open the door, feeling an odd weight to it. You crack it open enough to poke your head out, and see nothing. Looking down, there sits Leon, back against the door, looking back up at you.


"Hey, everything ok?" He asks.

"Yeah uh, just... Have no clothes."

"Oh, sorry," he says, getting up. You walk out, and he averts his eyes, a sad puppy look still on his face. As you grab your clothes from the dresser, you decide to try and talk to him.


"What?" He asks calmly. Ugh, what do I even say?

"I uhm.. I know this is really hard. On both of us. But I'm here for you too, you know?"

"Thanks." Well that was fucking awkward.

"That means you can talk to me. You don't have to brush your own feelings aside. That's not how relationships with people work, and I don't work like that either."

"Then I'll talk if I need to. But there's nothing to say right now," he says, keeping his gaze still, away from you.
I guess he's not in the talking mood if he's shutting me down so quick...

You take your clothes and go back into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked as Leon sat on the bed. After dressing yourself, you open the door. He looks up at you, face still slightly red from crying.

Without saying a word, you go up and stand between his legs, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in.

He slumps into you, his face buried in your stomach as you gently pet his hair, combing through the golden locks. The both of you stay like this, feeling the comfort of each other's touch.


How do I even express how much she means to me? Would it be weird? I'm not trying to scare her. On the other hand, she knows she's all I have. Plus, what Viv has hinted before tells me she wouldn't mind. How many times am I going to question myself about this relationship stuff?

I contemplate everything on my mind, already stressing myself out after just calming down. I take a breath and realize what's happening in the present. She's holding me, stroking my hair, letting me be vulnerable. I'd never act like this in front of anyone else.

I listen to her heartbeat, how steady and strong it is, not racing nor fading. We've been like this for minutes, but she doesn't want to pull away. Neither do I.

"You know you mean a lot to me too," she whispers. Did she read my mind or are we just feeling the same thing?

"I do?"

"Mhm. Wouldn't trade you for anything. Whenever I see you I feel really lucky," she tells me. She keeps saying the sweetest things no one's ever told me. I must be really lucky too.
I wrap my arms around her legs, keeping my face buried, and hold her tight.

"I'm so glad you're ok, cupcake."

"Me too. But I want you to be ok." I sigh, holding her tighter.

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