Chapter 14

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"I'm not ok. You need to tell me what happened." He's not ok? No, he's crying, he's obviously not ok. This shook him up as bad as it did me. Leon takes a deep breath and uses a hand to wipe his face clean, stepping back and looking at you after doing so. "Tell me while I clean you up, ok?" You nod.

I can't stop shaking. That was so fucking horrible. I think Viv is just trying to distract herself after making sure I was somewhat ok.

Leon keeps a hand on your upper back as he guides you to the bathroom, and helps you sit on the counter. He finds hydrogen peroxide under the cabinet, along with cotton pads and bandages.

He takes a look at the dried bloody streams on your nose, the forming bruise on your cheek, and scans the rest of your face before looking at your wrists. He bites his lip, holding in his emotion when he sees the red marks and breaks in your skin, closing his eyes.

"I let him in," you whisper.


"I just opened the door at the first knock without thinking. He came in and grabbed me, and I dropped my phone. I sent the emergency alert as soon as I saw his face."

"It's not your fault. You did your best to defend yourself. Tell me more, I need to know. I'm reporting him to the police."

"Leon you can't," you blurt out.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I say I'll do. I want him dead. Behind bars. I don't care, as long as he suffers," he says lowly.

"You're not a legal human, remember?"


"Leon, please," you say calmly.

"Don't say you're ok because you're NOT OKAY. How am I supposed to feel comfortable leaving you? One warning wasn't enough for that prick, he might come back and try to kill you, he could have done that very easily while I was gone!"

You sit in silence, biting your lip as tears stream down your face. He huffs and places his hands on your knees gently, looking at you.

"I watched a lot of people die, right in front of me. My parents, Luis, Marvin, plenty of people. But nothing, NOTHING hurt me like this. And you're still alive, thank fuck."

"I'm alive. And I'm going to be fine, along with you. No, nothing is okay right now. But it will be. I'm sorry you've gone through so much. You've been hurting for a long time. Your scars got reopened, I understand. Paranoia takes over, and sometimes it's for a reason. Please, we can't be rash. We have the time to take baby steps to get past this, don't we?"

"Okay. Fine. But you need to promise me something."


"You're not going to be out of my sight for a long, long time. I'm dropping you off at work, I'm going with you in public, and I'm staying at your side when you're home. No one will ever have the chance to hurt you like this, not again. Got it?"

"Yes," you whisper.

"Before I patch you up I want you to shower. But first, you need to talk about the rest of what happened. I'm sorry I interrupted you, and I know it might be hard to talk about but please, y/n. I'm here to support you."

You nod, sniffling as he takes a hand and wipes a falling tear, making you give a sad, close mouthed, momentary grin. He's going to be paranoid for a long time. But I have to open up, for the sake of clarity and honesty between us.

"Okay." You pause and he kisses your head softly, petting it once. "After I um, sent the signal and dropped my phone, he took me by the wrist and just kept trying to convince me to get with him. After a few minutes of words not working, he got physical, started yelling, and punched me in the face. I punched him back a couple times, but when he pulled me by the hair I scratched his eyes, but nothing happened. He took me into the bathroom and he- he..."

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