Chapter 9

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Just wanted to say thank y'all so much for over 1k reads and over 80 votes 💕 also, pretend Leon knows your job occupation and he thinks it's cute

"Ok... That was legitimately a good movie," Viv says.

"Thoughts, Leon?" You ask.

"Why the sparkly skin?" He replies. Because he's a god damned masterpiece of a vampire, bitch.

"Romance stuff, I guess," you say. "Well, I'm gonna shower and head to bed, I got work tomorrow." You get up off the couch, taking the empty popcorn bowl with you.

"I probably should too," Viv agrees, heading to her room. "Night."

You and Leon both say goodnight, and he gets up and follows you into the kitchen.

"What time do you go in tomorrow?" He asks you. Damn, he's going to be alone all day tomorrow. I feel bad, but I have no choice.

"About 8. I should be home around 4 to 5," you tell him. He nods and you smile sadly. "Come on, let's get to bed. Let me shower first though, okay?"

"I should probably shower too," he comments, walking with you into your room.

"You're not joining me," you say, getting your clothes out of the drawer.

"Damnit," he whispers jokingly. You giggle and head to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. As much as I wish he would join... It wouldn't be right. I'll just leave him to his imagination for now.


I can only imagine what showering with her would be like. What is it about every time she showers, it's like my mind thinks it's time to wander. I guess I'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow, having the apartment to myself for 8 hours. Maybe I can just try to sleep away the time. Being alone for that long unoccupied is never good for my mind.

I lay on my side of the bed, patiently waiting for my turn in the shower. I turn to look at her empty spot in the bed, and imagine her there. I can't get her little smile out of my head. I memorized her face, her voice, everything. I just hope I'll be ok without her tomorrow. I don't even have a way to communicate with her.

My eyes shut as I listen to the sound of the running water, trying to come up with things I could do tomorrow. Is every day going to be like that? I mean... Don't I eventually need a job, a car, everything a regular person has? Right now I'm stuck with nothing, and no proof of my identity. These are the things I really need to be thinking about but... She's a hell of a distraction.

The water stops, interrupting me from my thoughts. I shake my head and get up, grabbing new clothes from my drawer. She comes out, her hair wet and skin glowing. How is she so pretty in every moment?

"Shower's all yours," she says, flopping down on the bed.

"Thanks." I make my way into the bathroom, shutting the door. I start the water and undress myself, observing my scars in the mirror. Would she even like a guy who's all marked up? These are no small scars, and I'm so sensitive about them. Even when something brushes against one, it sends chills down my spine. I feel so broken, I wouldn't want her bearing what I do on her shoulders.

As doubt and insecurities begin to cloud my mind, I step in the shower, feeling the hot water wash them away. I can't help my feelings for her. She seems to reciprocate them, Viv even confirmed it. I'll deal with my own problems, she'll deal with hers, and we can be fine the way things are. I really need to stop overthinking...

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