I got the job!

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I heard my 6 a.m. alarm and woke up. Today, I needed to collect my appointment letter. KK had instructed me to meet him at 10 o'clock. After freshening up, I strolled to the nearby park. The previous day, I had spent all my time at home. I couldn't fathom why Dev hadn't come to meet me yet. 

Last week, he frequently checked up on me and we met often. What could have happened to him? Was he angry with me? If anyone should be upset, it should be me, not him. He was the one who thrust an 8-inch knife through my chest. I was still clueless about the circumstances surrounding that incident. 

Additionally, I hadn't seen the school girl anywhere. I completed six sets of five-minute runs with two-minute breaks in between. Upon returning home, I noticed ethereal figures resembling humans wandering around, but I chose to disregard them. Gradually, it had become the new normal for me.

Upon reaching home, I glanced at the clock; it read 7:09 a.m. Feeling hungry, I had my breakfast before heading to the shower. Afterward, I decided to dress in a black blazer, blue jeans, and a white tee. I gathered the necessary files for my appointment, noticing that it was already 9:45 a.m. It was time to make my way to the company, so I hopped on my scooter. Upon arrival, I noticed two buildings and proceeded towards the one on the right. Stepping into the elevator, I pressed the button for the 5th floor.

 As the doors opened, I scanned the area for KK, but it was bustling with numerous people. Taking out my phone, I dialed his number to get in touch. 

"Hello," he answered. 

 "I've arrived. Where are you, KK?" I inquired. 

 "Come to the room where you came last time," he replied. 

 "Okay," I responded before ending the call. As I made my way down the hall, the room at the end caught my attention. However, before I could reach it, a girl unexpectedly emerged from the adjacent cabin on my left. The collision caused her files to scatter onto the floor. 

 "I'm sorry," she apologized. 

 "It's okay," I reassured her, bending down to help gather her scattered papers. Her attire consisted of a white Kurti paired with blue jeans, perfectly accentuating her figure. Standing taller than me, she seemed to be around 5.5 feet in height. Her Indian fair complexion boasted smooth, flawless skin. I couldn't help but notice her captivating beauty.

 A smile graced her lips as she expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you." 

Returning the smile, I responded, "It's okay," and continued on my way, leaving her behind. 

I knocked twice on the door of the room, and I heard KK's voice respond with a clear "Yes." 

Opening the door, I stepped inside to find KK comfortably seated in the chair. I recalled that during my previous visit, Chitragupta had occupied that very same seat. It was rather uncommon for higher officials to allow their assistants to sit in their chairs. Nevertheless, as I entered, KK rose from his seat and approached me, extending his hand for a handshake. I warmly shook his hand, noticing that his hand was noticeably larger than mine. 

"I will show you around, and on the way, we can stop by the HR department to get your appointment," he said. 

 "Okay," I nodded in agreement. He took the lead, and I followed closely behind. Exiting the room, I noticed he was dressed in a red and pink checked shirt paired with black pants. We stepped into the elevator, and he pressed the button for the 10th floor. 

 Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Do you know what the emergency was?" 

 He appeared puzzled and responded, "What emergency?" 

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