Come to my house tonight

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KK approached us, and Dev took his place in the driver's seat. KK and I sat in the backseat as we headed back to CG. Dev remained silent throughout the ride. As I got out of the car, I noticed an ambulance parked in the lot.

 Curious, I asked, "Why is the ambulance here?"

 KK explained, "They've come for the health checkup." 

 Perplexed, I inquired, "Health checkup?" 

 KK clarified, "Yes, every year our company provides health checkups for all employees."

 I nodded in understanding, saying, "That's great."

We entered the elevator, and at the 5th floor, KK and Dev exited while I continued up to the 10th floor. Settling into my cabin, I began working. Soon, nurses entered our floor carrying boxes and proceeded to the activity room. 

Sangeetha, our supervisor, called out, "Listen everyone! The Health Checkup camp has arrived. Please go to the activity room and wait for your turn." 

Following her instructions, we all made our way to the activity room, where chairs were arranged for us to sit. The nurses stationed themselves in a corner, arranging their equipment on a table. 

One of the nurses called out, "Sundar?" A man stood up and approached her. As I observed, they checked his weight and height before proceeding to take a blood sample. I couldn't help but wonder why they were taking blood. Spotting Sangeetha near one of the nurses, I approached her.

 "What's happening? Do you need anything?" Sangeetha asked. 

 Curiosity getting the better of me, I inquired, "Why are they taking blood?" 

 Sangeetha explained, "Every year, they draw our blood and conduct various tests. This helps detect any diseases or low blood cell count. They provide medication if someone has anemia or other related conditions."

 Understanding her response, I simply said, "Oh, I see." 

Sangeetha instructed me to return to my seat, and I nodded before making my way back to my designated spot. Three nurses were calling employees one by one, and I heard my name being called. The nurse in the middle motioned for me to come forward. "Please remove your slippers," she instructed. 

I took off my slippers as requested. "Now, stand on the weight machine," she directed. 

I stepped onto the electronic weight machine, and it displayed a reading of 50.5 kg. "Now, stand beside the height scale," she continued.

 I positioned myself in front of the scale, and she measured my height, noting it down as 150 cm on the paper. The paper contained my name, address, and other personal details, along with a list of employee names. She gestured for me to take a seat, and I complied, settling into the chair. "Please remove your jacket. I will be drawing blood from your left hand," she informed me.

 I took off my jacket and placed it on my lap. I extended my left hand to her, and she sterilized the site with a cotton swab. "Do you experience any issues with your menstrual cycle?" she inquired while preparing the syringe. 

 "No," I responded. 

 "Are there any other health concerns you'd like to mention?" she asked. 

 "No, everything seems to be functioning properly," I reassured her. 

She carefully inserted the needle into my skin. "Alright," she said with a smile. She collected the blood sample and marked my name off the list. "It's done," she declared. 

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