Food for rituals?

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I returned home and allowed myself some much-needed rest. I caught up on the remaining episodes of the shows I had left unfinished. By the time I finished, it was already 9:30 p.m. My mom had prepared a delicious dinner, and we all sat together as a family, enjoying the meal and sharing stories of our day. 

After dinner, I retreated to my room, remembering the blue stone that had piqued my curiosity. I fetched my jewel box and sat on my bed, carefully opening it to reveal the mesmerizing blue sapphire stone. Its beauty and sparkle were truly captivating, giving it an aura of luxury. I placed the stone back in the box, pondering the concept of "feeling" that had been mentioned earlier. With the room lights turned off, I settled into bed and played my favorite songs, immersing myself in their melodies. 

Time slipped away unnoticed, and when I finally checked the clock, it was already 12:10 a.m. The power of music always transported me to a different world, providing a sense of security and tranquility. I stopped the music, removed my earbuds, and placed my phone next to my pillow. Ready to embrace the night, I drifted off to sleep, knowing that I had work awaiting me the next day. 

Suddenly, I remembered that I had forgotten to set my alarm. I opened my eyes and unlocked my phone to set the alarm. However, before I could do so, the room light turned on, and I saw Dev standing near the switch. 

Startled, I whispered, "Why are you here?" 

 "I came to tell you about the book," he whispered back. 

 My curiosity piqued, I asked, "What?"

 He then revealed a ring to me, explaining, "Uncle told me that this ring's stone will glow when it senses the presence of the book. However, it needs to be within two feet of the book for it to work." 

Realizing the significance of this development, I asked, "So?" 

 Dev responded, "Now is the perfect time to search Sivanesh's house. We should go now." 

 I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you serious? You want to search his house right now?" I questioned.  He nodded, his expression serious. 

Frustrated and taken aback, I glared at him and asked, "How dare you come into my room without knocking?" 

 Unfazed, he retorted, "Do you want me to go back outside, knock on the door, and wake up your parents to reveal that there's a man in their daughter's room?" I was wearing pajamas when Dev suggested we go and search. 

"Okay, but I should change my clothes first," I said. 

 However, he insisted, "There's no need. Let's just go and search, and I'll drop you back here afterward."

 I let out a sigh of resignation. Then, I extended my right hand. He looked at me, and without hesitation, he grasped my hand firmly. In an instant, everything went black, and when the darkness subsided, we found ourselves in a room—a spacious hall, to be precise. Surprisingly, the main door was wide open. 

 "Why is the door open?" I whispered, my voice filled with caution. 

 "I don't know," he replied in a hushed tone. He held onto my right hand while placing his left hand on my left shoulder, providing support as I stood.

 Together, we surveyed our surroundings, unsure of what we might find. The hall we entered led to the kitchen and then to the garden. It puzzled me why the doors were left open, both at the front and back. As we stood in the hall, I noticed that there were two closed doors, likely leading to the rooms where the occupants of the house were probably sleeping.

 "I can stand," I assured Dev, wanting to assert my independence. He released his hold on me, allowing me to stand on my own. He retrieved the ring from his pocket and began moving it around the hall, scanning the tables and cupboards for any signs of the book. However, the ring remained unresponsive, failing to emit any glow or indication.

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