Go! Don't look back!

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We took my scooter and returned to the office by 1:55 P.M. Upon arrival, we went to Chitragupta's office room. KK sat on his chair, while I took the other chair. 

Curious, I inquired, "Where did Mr. Chitragupta go?" 

 KK responded, "He had some other business to attend to." 

 I followed up, asking, "Did he mention anything else?" 

 KK shrugged and replied, "No."

 KK then stood up and headed towards the door at the end of the room. He extracted a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. After entering, he shut the door behind him. Inside, there was a bowl filled with chocolates and candies. 

I picked one and tasted it, realizing it was coconut-flavored. Since I dislike coconut-flavored toffees, I grabbed a tissue to spit it out. As I rose to dispose of it in the bin, KK reappeared, opening the door and stepping outside. 

However, he seemed uneasy, perspiring profusely. He proceeded to open the wall cupboards.

 He was searching for something, so I asked, "What are you looking for?" 

 He turned and replied, "Huh, I'm looking for a book."

 Curious, I inquired, "What book?" 

 He responded, "It has no name. It looks kind of antique." 

 Offering assistance, I said, "Oh, let me help you," and began searching the area. I examined the shelves on the desk but found only some documents and files. 

Meanwhile, KK finished searching the cupboard, so I asked, "Did you find it?" 

 He replied, "No, did you?" 

 I shook my head and replied, "No, there are no books here." He sat on the chair, massaging his head. 

 Curious, I asked, "Is it important?" He nodded in response. 

 Wanting to assist, I inquired, "Where did you keep it last time?" 

 He replied, "In that room." 

 Determined, I suggested, "Well, let's check there again." 

 However, he dismissed the idea, stating, "No, I already checked." 

Concerned, I proposed, "What if Mr. Chitragupta took it?" 

 He reassured me, saying, "No, he wouldn't take that book unless it's important." 

 He then retrieved his phone and held it to his ear, saying, "Hello, sir, did you happen to take the fatebook?"

 After a moment, he relayed the information, "Oh, it's not here. I thoroughly searched the entire room, but it's missing."

 He continued the conversation, saying, "Okay, I'll take care of that and provide you with a report," before ending the call. He returned the phone to his pocket. 

 "What happened?" I asked, curious about the situation. 

 He replied, "Sir didn't take it. He told me to check the surveillance." 

 Recognizing the validity of the suggestion, I responded, "Yeah, that's a good idea." With that, he stood up and exited the room, and I followed suit. We patiently waited for the elevator, and when the doors opened, we stepped inside. He pressed the button for the first floor, and as the doors closed, we began our descent. Puzzled by his mention of the term "fatebook,"

 I couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by 'fatebook'?" 

 He paused for a moment, deep in thought, before explaining, "It's like Google. You can search someone's fate using that book." 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now