Proper plan for what?

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We left the room and Rani commented, "It's funny how he just disappeared like that." 

 "Yeah, it's almost like teleporting. I've teleported twice with him before, and it's quite dizzying," I shared. 

We entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 3rd floor, where both Priya and Raji worked. The elevator doors opened, and we headed straight to the team leader.

 "Hi, may I meet Priya and Raji?" I asked the team leader. 

 "Yes, why do you want to meet them?" he inquired. 

 "There is some confusion in the Chairman's office, and I need to discuss it with them," I explained. He nodded and stood up, then went to get Priya and Raji from their cabins. He returned with both of them. I glanced at Rani, and she nodded before taking Priya aside for a conversation.

 "Hi, I'm Sara," I introduced myself, extending my right hand for a handshake. She shook my hand, and we exchanged pleasantries.

 "Okay, let's go over there and talk while having some coffee," I suggested, leading the way to the coffee corner. There was already a pot of hot decaf prepared.

 "Do you prefer milk or water?" I asked Raji. 

 "Milk," she replied. There was a milk boiler nearby, so I filled her cup with milk. I poured the decaf and added sugar. As for myself, I mixed my decaf in water and added sugar. There were three seats along the counter table. I placed her cup in front of one seat and took the seat next to it, with her sitting beside me. 

"Did you visit the Chairman's office yesterday?" I asked. 

 "Yesterday... yeah, I think so," she replied. 

 "Why did you visit his office?" I inquired. 

 "May I know why you're asking all this?" she asked, curious about my line of questioning. I recalled that she was holding a red file when she entered the office. 

 "Actually, I made a mistake with the files in his office. I believe I might have replaced them with the wrong one," I explained. 

 "Oh, I came to submit the expense graph for last week," she clarified. 

 "Is that the red-colored file?" I asked. 

 She paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is. The red one." 

 "Alright then, it's not the one I misplaced. Thank you for your time," I said, giving her a smile. 

 "Thank you for the coffee. It's really good," she responded with a smile of her own. I smiled in response and stood by the elevator, waiting for Rani. I checked my string, and it was still red.

 Rani arrived, and I asked her, "What happened?" 

 She explained, "She came to submit files on monthly performance, and she didn't seem to be lying. My string is still red. How about yours?" 

 I replied, "She came to submit weekly expenses," and showed her my hand with the red string.

 Rani concluded, "Then, these two are innocent." 

 I agreed and suggested, "Okay then, let's check Sivanesh." Rani nodded in agreement. We entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor.

 Rani let out a sigh. "It feels like a dream, doesn't it? Like one of your strange dreams. You always have these bizarre dreams," she remarked.

 I nodded and replied, "Yes, I never thought they would become a reality." 

The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out. It was easy to locate the team leaders as they had designated tables labeled as "Team Leaders." Each group of cabins also had a special cabin designated for the team leader. However, in this case, we were looking for a project manager. As we were pondering our next move, a young man approached us. 

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