you will lose them no matter what

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With a heavy heart, I made my way to the 5th floor and entered the Chairman's room. KK was seated at his desk, working on his laptop. "Are you done? Shall we go?" I asked, trying to sound casual. 

KK closed his laptop and replied, "Yes, where is Dev?" 

 "Let's wait for him at the parking lot, he'll join us there," I suggested. KK nodded. I opened the door and took a step forward, but I jerked in surprise when I saw Dev standing right in front of me.

 "Let's go," Dev said, turning and walking ahead. I followed him, and together we made our way to the parking lot. Dev sat on my scooter and started it using the keys. 

 "You," KK said, sounding slightly amused. I positioned myself behind Dev, while KK settled in behind me, holding onto the bar behind his seat.

 "You're sitting on both sides with that dress?" KK asked, raising an eyebrow. 

 "Yes, it has a slit, so no problem," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. We embarked on our journey towards White Town Beach. As we were riding, a cat suddenly darted across the road, causing Dev to hit the brakes abruptly. I instinctively placed my hands on his back to prevent myself from colliding into him, while KK steadied himself to avoid hitting me. After a while, we reached the beach and parked our scooter on a nearby street. We then proceeded to walk towards the shoreline, ready to enjoy our time at the beach.

 It was a windy and chilly day, with the salty breeze brushing against us as we stepped onto the sandy beach. KK and Dev walked ahead, but I hesitated, deciding to stay where I was. "Why are you standing there?" Dev asked, puzzled by my reluctance. KK glanced back at me, his expression curious. 

"I don't like sand sticking to my legs," I explained, hoping they would understand. Dev exchanged a glance with KK, and then they both approached me with mischievous smiles. KK took hold of my right hand, while Dev grasped my left hand, and before I could protest further, they started pulling me towards the beach. 

"No, please, my shoes!" I pleaded, hoping to spare them from getting soaked or filled with sand. They both stopped, and I quickly kicked off my white shoes and left them on the shore. They followed suit, removing their sandals and placing them beside mine. Without any warning, they began running, dragging me along with them. I had no choice but to join in, trying my best to keep my balance and avoid falling. The thrill of the moment enveloped us, and as we ran, a massive wave crashed upon us, drenching us from head to toe. 

"Happy now?" I asked, my voice filled with both exhilaration and amusement.

 "We should come here during the day to swim," KK suggested. 

I shrugged and replied, "You guys can do that, I'll just hang out here." 

"Why? Don't you like swimming?" KK asked, sounding surprised.

 "No, not really," I admitted. 

"I don't swim either," KK confessed. "We usually just bathe near the shore, not too deep." 

I smiled, feeling relieved. "That sounds more my speed." 

Dev chimed in, sharing a personal memory. "I used to swim with my sister on the beach. We had so much fun together. She would build sandcastles, and I would always try to ruin them."

 Surprised by his revelation, I asked, "You had a sister?" 

"Yes," he replied with a hint of nostalgia. 

"She loved playing with me on the beach. Unfortunately, she passed away before me. I like to think she's in Heaven now." KK interrupted our conversation, suggesting we take a photo to capture the moment. He pulled out his phone and positioned us for a selfie. I placed my hand on KK's shoulder, and Dev stood behind us, his hands resting on our shoulders. With a quick snap, the photo was taken. We eagerly gathered around to view the picture. It turned out great, and I looked genuinely happy in the shot. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now