What are you doing here?

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I carefully opened the main door without making any noise, mindful of not locking it from the outside. I didn't want to risk any accidents where my family wouldn't be able to escape if there was a fire. Stepping inside briefly, I grabbed a chair and placed it behind the door, ensuring it stayed closed. It would take approximately 45 minutes to reach Dev's home on foot. I began walking but soon found myself running. Surprisingly, it felt easier to run now, despite my usual struggles with it. In just 20 minutes, I arrived at his home at 1:30 a.m., having covered the distance in a swift sprint fueled by my energy possession. 

Reaching his door, I noticed it was locked. Frustration crept in. However, I observed his balcony, where the curtains fluttered in the wind from the beach. It seemed open. Uncertain about how to climb up, I scanned the surroundings, finding no one nearby except for a policeman sitting on the road. I managed to make it this far without him noticing me. Next to Dev's building, the one on the left side, there was a wall that could provide me with access to the neighboring balcony. I climbed up onto the wall and stood there, my hands unable to touch the balcony floor, which was a foot away. 

Realizing I had to take a leap, I contemplated the risks. Missing the catch would result in a fall, though I knew I wouldn't sustain any injuries. Nevertheless, it would likely awaken the neighborhood. Steeling myself, I took a deep breath and jumped, managing to grab hold of the floor and hang there. Using the strength provided by my energy, I pulled myself up and gripped the railing, then placed my right foot on the floor and stood. Now on the neighboring balcony, I prepared to cross over to Dev's. With just a two-foot gap between them, it was relatively easy to transfer my weight. Placing my left foot on his balcony, I climbed up and made my way inside. 

As I entered the room, I moved the curtains aside, revealing a dimly lit space. I quickly retrieved my phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate the surroundings. To my surprise, Dev was nowhere to be found in this room. I scanned the area, taking note of a table adorned with small statues and a large painting hanging on the wall. The painting stood about four feet tall, depicting two men and a woman.

 Intrigued, I moved closer to examine the details. The men were dressed in traditional Indian attire, with one wearing a dhoti and salwar accompanied by a white shawl. It dawned on me that this figure was Dev himself. He stood on the left side of the painting, while the other man, who seemed familiar, was positioned on the right. This man was Dheeran, clad in a yellow salwar with a white dhoti. Curiosity consumed me as I pondered the significance of this painting and the presence of these figures in Dev's home. 

As I examined the painting further, I couldn't help but conclude that the woman portrayed in it must be Antara. She possessed a fair complexion and adorned herself with intricate gold jewelry, including a NetiChutti on her head, earrings, and numerous gold chains adorning her neck. Her thick, long hair was beautifully braided, with additional gold ornaments woven into her braid. Antara exuded an aura of regal beauty, resembling a queen in her grandeur. However, my primary objective was to find the book I sought. 

My attention shifted to a door situated in the corner of the room. With caution, I slowly opened it, revealing a corridor and a set of stairs. On the other side of the stairs, I noticed another door, which I surmised could lead me to the room where the book might be kept. Taking careful steps, I descended the stairs, glancing around to ensure Dev's absence. 

I approached the first door, recalling that during my previous visit, it had contained a bed, likely indicating that it was Dev's bedroom. Gathering my courage, I gently opened the door, mindful of remaining quiet. I turned off my flashlight to minimize any chance of detection. As the door opened, I observed Dev sleeping soundly on his bed, facing away from me. Realizing the need to proceed with utmost care, I silently closed the door behind me. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now