I'm not afraid when I'm with you

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"I informed my uncle, who then located Dheeran. He instructed the servants to imprison him in hell," Dev said. 

 "So the figures I saw were real and not just my imagination?" I asked. 

 "Yes, you were at Treatplus Hospital in Chennai. I discovered you yesterday evening," Dev replied. 

 "If you had arrived even five minutes later, they would have opened up my rib cage," I said.

 "I arrived just in time," Dev winked. 

"Then, what happened to Dheeran and Gayathri?" I asked. 

 "Dheeran is in hell, and Gayathri is at home with her daughter. I informed her that Dheeran went abroad to search for a cure," Dev said. 

 "Well, what if she tries to call him?" I asked.

 "She won't. I made her believe that he is overseas and unreachable," Dev said. 

 "That's good," I said. 

 "Then Dev brought you back here yesterday evening. I informed Rani," KK said. 

"We both came here yesterday. I saw you wearing a patient gown. You looked incredibly pale. Then I noticed the wound on your chest. It frightened me to see you in such a condition. Dev cleaned the wound, applied bandages, and removed the needle from your hand. I changed your clothes. Dev managed to retrieve your phone, which was charging," Rani said.

 "Will I need stitches?" I asked. 

 "No, it will heal. It's not that deep," Dev assured me.

 "I was amused. He handled everything professionally," Rani said. 

 "Well, I've learned many things when I'm bored," Dev replied. 

 "Whose dress is this?" I asked. 

 "It's mine," Dev answered. 

 "I still can't believe that someone tried to take my heart," I said.

 "Me neither," Rani added. 

 "Hug me, please," I requested. KK and Rani embraced me from both sides. I placed my hand on their shoulders and pulled them even closer. I'm not usually one for hugs, but I needed it. They held on tightly. 

 "You guys are suffocating me," I jokingly complained. Rani chuckled, and they both released me from their embrace.

 "You three look like a bunch of puppies," Dev remarked. 

"Thank you for saving me once again," I expressed my gratitude. Dev shrugged in response. 

 "I lost my earrings again, and my dress was either torn or went missing. At least they left me with this red string," I commented. 

 "I'm still wearing it," Rani mentioned.

 "I'm feeling hungry," I stated. 

 "I ordered idli and poori for all of us," KK informed. 

 "That's great," I smiled. The food was delivered, and we enjoyed our meal together. 

"Wait a minute," I said. 

 "What is it?" Rani asked. 

 "How did you get KK's number?" I inquired. 

 "I obtained it when we were at Spice Restaurant," Rani replied. I glanced at KK and smiled. He returned the smile and shrugged. 

 "Don't tell me you two..." I trailed off. 

 "No," Rani clarified. 

 "Not yet," KK added. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now