What on earth is wrong with you?

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I was standing in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by heavy rain and darkness. Suddenly, Dev appeared in front of me, flashing a smile. We both became drenched in the downpour. However, in an instant, a sharp pain shot through my chest, causing me to look down. There, I saw Dev holding a knife, embedded in my chest. Dev then removed the knife, and in that moment, I woke up, covered in sweat. It had all been just a dream. I reached for my phone to check the time, discovering that it was 7:35 a.m.

I was dressed in a white tunic paired with blue jeans as I arrived at CG at 9:55 a.m. and proceeded to my cabin to begin work. During my work, I received a call from an unknown number. Considering the possibility of it being a scammer, I chose to decline the call. However, the same unidentified number called again. Curiosity getting the better of me, I answered and greeted, "Hello." 

"Are you Ms. Saraswathi?" inquired a woman on the other end.

 "Yes, who am I speaking to?" I responded. 

"I'm calling from TreatPlus Hospital. We have received the results of your blood test. Would you be able to visit the hospital?" the nurse asked. 

"Is it necessary to come in today?" I inquired further.

 "Yes," confirmed the nurse. 

"Alright, I will come after 6 p.m.," I agreed.

 "Thank you," replied the nurse. 

"Should I bring anything with me?" I asked. 

"No, you can come, and we will discuss the results in person," assured the nurse.

 "Okay," I acknowledged before ending the call. 

"Hi," I heard a male voice calling out. I turned to my right and noticed a gentleman who appeared to be around 25 years old sitting beside my cabin. 

"Hi," I greeted in return. 

"I'm Surya. I'm new here," he introduced himself. 

"Oh, nice to meet you, Surya. Best of luck with your new role," I replied. 

 "May I ask, what's your name?" he inquired. 

 "I'm Sara. I'm also relatively new here. It's been two weeks since I joined," I shared. 

 "Great! In that case, let's support each other," he responded with a smile. I reciprocated the smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

 Glancing at the time, I realized it was already 12 p.m. "I'm going to the canteen today," I texted KK. 

 "Okay, I have some work," KK replied. I headed to the canteen and enjoyed a serving of Sambhar rice. Afterward, I returned to my cabin and resumed working. We had a slightly heavier workload than usual today. Finally, at 6:00 p.m., I logged off. I called KK, and he answered, saying, "Hello."

 "Hi, it's getting late, and I have to go to TreatPlus Hospital. They called me and informed that my blood test results are ready. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Take care," I informed him. 

 "What? They should have brought the results to the office," KK exclaimed. 

"They requested me to visit today itself to discuss the results," I explained. 

"Oh, keep me posted about what happens after you receive the results," KK requested. 

"Sure, I'll let you know. Bye," I concluded the call. 

I made my way to TreatPlus Hospital, which happened to be a little far from my home. After parking my scooter in the designated area, I entered the hospital. Approaching the receptionist, I said, "Hi, a nurse called me regarding my blood report." 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now