God has another plan

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I made my way to the 10th floor where I encountered Sangeetha, who greeted me with a smile. "Why are you late on your first day?" she inquired. 

 "I actually arrived early, but Mr. Chitragupta assigned me some personal tasks to handle," I explained.

 "Oh, I see. I've placed some files on your desk. If you have any questions, feel free to come and ask me. I'll be in the last cabin," she offered. I nodded gratefully. 

The 10th floor consisted of 25 cabins, organized into five rows of five. My cabin was located in the second row, right corner. I took a seat at my desk and placed my phone on the table, wondering where Dev had disappeared to.

 I called KK and he answered, "Hello." I asked him, "Do you have Dev's number?"

 He replied, "He's a weird guy, he doesn't have a phone." 

 "Why? Didn't you just meet him?" he inquired. 

 "I did meet him, but he left for something before I could talk to him. I wanted to have a conversation with him, but it's fine, I'll meet him later," I explained. 

 "Alright, if you need to urgently meet him, I do have his address. Would you like it?" he offered. Address! So he did have a place to stay on Earth. I hadn't expected that. Did he need a place to live?

 "Can you hear me?" KK asked. 

 "Yes, please text me the address," I replied. 

"Okay, I will text it to you," he said, and we ended the call. I placed my phone on the table and opened the file. The file contained instructions for the upcoming database updates. My workload increases significantly during database model changes, but otherwise, it mainly involves checking for bugs and fixing them. They had provided me with procedures to review the database. I read through the file and made notes on my phone for further research later, as I was still new to the role. 

My phone beeped, and I received a text from KK: "Sorry, I was searching for his address. It took some time. Address: Near the seashore on White Town Beach, No.18." 

 Near the seashore? Owning a property in that area was not easy. He must be wealthy or have owned the home for a long time. But how old was he? Did he even have an age? He was already dead. He must be a soul inhabiting a human body. That would make him human, but not entirely. Thinking about his identity was enough to make my brain melt. White Town was not too far from here. I could visit his place during my lunch break. I was curious to see what the home of such a being looked like. 

 I replied to KK's text, saying, "It's okay. Thank you for taking the time to search and send it to me." 

 It was 11 a.m., and I had finished the first stage of checking my assigned part of the database. By the time I completed my work at 12:15 p.m., I grabbed my phone and went to Mrs. Sangeetha's office. "I've finished the first stage. I'm going out for lunch," I informed her. 

 "Okay, take your time. You have plenty of free time this week. Just make sure to complete the third stage checking today," she replied with a smile. 

 "Okay, bye," I said and headed to the elevator.

 I returned to the 5th floor and made my way to Chitragupta's room. I knocked on the door and heard a voice saying, "Come in."

 I entered the room to find KK sitting in the chair next to Chitragupta's empty seat. "Hi," I greeted him. 

 "Hi, what brings you here?" KK asked. It was then that I noticed his outfit—a red shirt with a pattern of yellow flowers and light blue jeans. He wore square-framed spectacles. He looked quite colorful and cute. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now