Can I trust you?

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Once I arrived, I sent her a text message, asking her to meet me outside. I waited patiently, and soon enough, Rani appeared. I briefed her on the events of the day. 

"So, it seems the fatebook is still missing, and Dheeran is not a suspect. Who else could it be?" she inquired. 

"I honestly don't know," I replied, a sense of frustration evident in my voice. The mystery of the missing fatebook deepened, and we were left with more questions than answers. 

"We'll find it soon, so try not to dwell on it too much. Take some rest," Rani reassured me. I nodded in agreement, appreciating her words of comfort.

 "You know, it's true, isn't it? Men can be quite foolish, even someone as powerful as Dev," I remarked.

 Rani nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Indeed, it seems to be a recurring theme in many love stories. Men often get easily deceived in the name of love, failing to recognize the genuine love that exists right in front of them," Rani replied with a touch of wistfulness.

 "You're absolutely right. They should take the time to truly understand what true love is. Being kind and nice doesn't automatically equate to love," I added, emphasizing the importance of discernment in matters of the heart.

 "Speaking of the devil, there is someone who looks exactly like Dev," Rani said. 

Intrigued, I asked, "Where?" 

 "Just look straight opposite the lane, near that tree. Don't stare abruptly; just take a casual glance," Rani advised. I followed her instructions and carefully observed the other side of the lane. 

"It is him," I confirmed.

 "What is he doing here?" Rani wondered aloud and waved her hand at him. Dev noticed us and crossed the road to join us. 

 "What are you doing here?" I asked, still curious about his sudden appearance. 

"Nothing," he replied nonchalantly, shrugging off the question. 

"Are you by chance stalking my friend?" I questioned Dev, raising an eyebrow. 

Confused, he responded, "No, why would I?" 

"Then?" I pressed, wanting to know the reason for his unexpected presence. 

 Dev explained, "You mentioned having some work, and I was curious about what it was." 

"Are you suspecting me?" I asked, feeling a mix of annoyance and disbelief.

 Dev's response was candid, "Maybe."

 I scoffed at his accusation. "Why would I take that book?" I retorted, defending myself.

 "Why won't you?" Dev countered, leaving me momentarily speechless. 

With a sigh, I realized it was futile to argue further. "Hmm, think as you want. Bye Rani," I said, starting my scooter and driving away from the scene. I went home, took a paracetamol after dinner, and had a restful sleep.

 Suddenly, something fell on me, causing me to jerk awake. I opened my eyes to find the room illuminated by the light, and there was Dev standing beside my bed, observing me. To my surprise, an antique book lay on my lap. 

"Explain yourself," Dev said harshly, his tone laced with annoyance. 

 "Explain what?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

 "Why do you have this book in your room?" Dev demanded, raising his voice.

 "Please lower your voice, my parents might hear us," I pleaded quietly. 

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