I haven't seen you for three days

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Suddenly, we were hit from behind, causing the scooter to skid and both of us to fall. It all happened so abruptly. I tumbled and rolled on the road, hitting my head in the process. 

As I looked up, I saw the vast expanse of the blue sky above me. My head felt heavy, and the direct heat of the sun bore down on my skin. I attempted to stand, and luckily, I managed to do so. 

However, everything around me seemed to be in motion. When we spun and came to an abrupt stop, it felt as though the entire surroundings were rotating. I struggled to take a step forward, as the road itself appeared to be moving. I frantically looked around for KK, calling out his name.

 My scooter lay on the ground near my left side. As I turned to the right, I saw KK lying motionless on the ground about a meter away. Panic welled up inside me. The road seemed to move in slow motion as I approached him. I knelt beside him, my heart pounding. Blood was visible on his forehead. 

 "Oh my god, KK, please wake up!" I pleaded, gently shaking his body. There was no response from him. Desperate to assess the severity of his head wound, I leaned closer, but it was difficult to determine its depth or extent.

 I heard voices behind me and quickly turned my gaze. A car had stopped, and several men had gathered around it. "Please help him! He's bleeding!" I cried out desperately. 

 However, my vision was blurred and I couldn't clearly see their faces. Suddenly, one of the men approached me, grabbed my collar, and forcefully lifted me up. As he did so, his face became recognizable—it was the same man from the hotel, the one whose head I had slammed onto the table. My legs felt weak, and I struggled to maintain my balance. 

With a menacing tone, he spoke, "You should learn how to break a nose with a single blow." He clenched his fist, and fear surged through me. As he prepared to strike with his clenched fist, I instinctively shielded my face with my hand, bracing myself for the impact. He shook me by my collar, exacerbating the heaviness in my head, and I winced in pain. A sharp, shooting pain coursed through my head and jaw, making it difficult to maintain stability. 

Before I could fully process what was happening, he slapped me forcefully across the right side of my face with the back of his hand, leaving a searing sensation that extended to the corner of my lips. 

Just as he was about to strike again, something unexpected occurred—he suddenly toppled to the side, collapsing to the ground. My knees buckled beneath me, and I collapsed onto all fours. The dizziness in my head intensified, and I found myself lying flat on my back on the road.

 Amidst the haze, I could faintly hear Dev's voice resonating through the chaos. "You coward! If you're truly a man, come at me. How dare you strike a girl?" I mustered the strength to turn my head and prop myself up on my elbow. 

Dev was relentlessly pummeling the man, landing blow after blow. "Dev!" I shouted, my voice strained. 

Dheeran hurriedly approached me and attempted to help me to my feet. "Check on KK; he's bleeding," I managed to convey. 

Dheeran released his grip on me and rushed over to where KK lay. Meanwhile, Dev continued his assault on the man who was still grounded. "Dev, stop! Let him go! He'll die!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with urgency. 

Dev knelt down beside me, his knuckles stained with blood. I watched as someone approached and lifted the man Dev had been assaulting. Dev gently held my face, his eyes searching mine. 

"Can you see me?" he inquired. 

 "Yes," I replied, my voice weak. 

 Concern etched his face as he continued, "How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain in your body?" 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now