he removed my heart, still beating

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The door swung open, its loud creak drawing everyone's attention. Suddenly, I heard Dev's voice, and it washed over me like a wave of solace. Relief flooded through my veins, knowing that he was here. Everyone obeyed his command without hesitation, silently exiting the room, leaving us alone. I locked eyes with Dev, his presence bringing a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

 Dheeran and Dev faced each other, their gazes locked in a battle of emotions. "You always manage to ruin everything," Dheeran bellowed, his anger seeping through his words. 

"You've made a grave mistake, Dheeran. You will come to regret it," Dev responded, his voice laced with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

Curiosity piqued, Dheeran questioned Dev, "Do you know what Antara said after she learned about your feelings?" 

Dev met his gaze, awaiting an answer. "She confessed that she loved you and had been waiting for you to propose," Dheeran revealed, his voice filled with a sense of longing.

 "What?" Dev exclaimed, shocked by the revelation. 

"Everything always revolves around you. You should be grateful that I never got the chance to be with Antara. Now I'm trying to settle for someone else," Dheeran pointed towards Gayathri.

 "But she is ill. Do you understand the pain I'm going through? I loved her and Ramya. I sought to uncover her fate in order to save her. That's why I resorted to stealing it. And then I saw you," he chuckled bitterly.

 "You were living carefree, unburdened by the weight of the world," Dheeran shouted in frustration.

 Then, something peculiar happened. Dheeran began speaking, but his words were mute, as if the sound had been taken away. Dev, too, engaged in a conversation, but no audible words escaped his lips. Their mouths moved with intensity as they exchanged words unheard by my ears. It seemed I had lost my ability to hear. 

 Without warning, Dev swiftly lunged towards Dheeran, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Their lips continued to move, yet no sound accompanied their actions. Dev forcefully propelled Dheeran against the wall. However, Dheeran retaliated, swiftly advancing towards Dev and landing a punch on him. 

 Suddenly, two ominous figures entered the room, appearing eerily intimidating. My senses struggled to comprehend what was before me. Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding. These figures swiftly restrained Dheeran, seizing his hands in a firm grip.

 "You cannot do this to me, Dev!" Dheeran shouted defiantly. 

Finally, I could hear their voices. "It is not within my control. It is the consequence of your actions," Dev retorted, fixing Dheeran with a stern glare.

 "You will experience what I have endured. You will understand the anguish of losing someone you love, and the helplessness that accompanies failing to save them. You will come to know the heartbreak that follows when they abruptly depart from your life," Dheeran yelled, his words filled with bitterness. 

"I am relieved to know this truth sooner rather than later," Dheeran laughed cynically. 

 "Take him," Dev commanded, the figures complying with his order. In an instant, the two figures and Dheeran vanished from sight, leaving behind an unsettling emptiness. 

Dev approached me, concern etched across his face. "Sara, are you alright?" he inquired, his voice filled with worry.

 "Dev," I whispered, acknowledging his presence. His gaze shifted to my chest, and he gently wiped it with a cotton swab. Strangely, I couldn't feel a thing, but I observed the blood staining the cotton. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now