Why are you telling me all this now?

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I woke up at 7 a.m., feeling a bit sore in my legs and shoulders. Wanting to alleviate the discomfort, I decided to engage in some stretching exercises. I laid out my yoga towel on the floor and began with the child's pose. This pose is incredibly relaxing and comfortable, providing a great stretch for the upper body. 

Next, I leaned forward, touching my toes to stretch my hamstrings. I then moved on to stretch my glutes. Transitioning to lying on my stomach, I performed the cobra pose. By raising my upper body, I stretched my abs and elongated my spine. Returning to the child's pose, I regained a relaxed position before getting on all fours. I then proceeded to do the cat-cow stretch, a beneficial exercise that targets the muscles in the abdomen, back, and shoulders. It also provides a gentle stretch to the spine. 

To perform the cat-cow stretch, I focused on drawing my belly button downward while inhaling, and then arching my back and exhaling, repeating this sequence for a total of eight times. These stretching exercises helped to relieve tension and promote flexibility in my body. I stood up and proceeded to stretch my quads by bending my legs and holding onto my toes with my hands on one side.

 After completing the stretch on one side, I repeated the same movement on the other side. Suddenly, I heard a voice coming from behind me, asking, "Do you practice yoga?" 

Startled by the unexpected voice, I lost my balance and ended up falling to the ground while still standing on my right leg. Just as I fell, my mother's voice called out from outside the room, asking, "Sara, what did you break this time?" 

Quickly regaining my composure, I reassured her by saying loudly, "Nothing!"

 I turned around and noticed Dev lying on my bed, propping his head on his right arm. His sandal was on the floor, and he was wearing a black shirt with washed blue jeans. As I heard my mother's footsteps approaching, I quickly motioned for Dev to leave. He obediently sat up on my bed.

 "Where should I go?" he whispered back to me. 

My mother was just about to open the door handle, so I swiftly pulled Dev towards the door and positioned him beside it. My mom opened the door, and Dev was concealed from her view.

 "What was that noise?" she asked, sounding concerned. 

I smiled and replied, "Oh, I just fell down. It's nothing." 

"I don't know when you'll stop being so clumsy. You do things like a man. Your body is so strong, like a man's," she commented.

 I chuckled and said, "Alright, alright, enough. I have work to do." 

"If you keep this up, you'll end up looking like a man," she warned.

 Feeling frustrated, I gently pushed her and closed the door. Taking a deep sigh, I tried to calm myself down. He stood beside the door, and I could feel his presence. 

"You look like a woman," he whispered. 

I crossed my arms, feeling a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. "What are you doing here? When did you come?" I whispered. 

"I arrived when you were moving your hips and body up and down on the ground like a cat. It was quite amusing," he said with a grin. I couldn't help but hit my forehead with my right hand in exasperation. 

"What was the name of that asana?" he asked innocently. I gave him a glare, not amused by his teasing. 

"Okay, okay, cute shorts, no offense," he said as he casually walked over to my bed. 

Taking a deep breath, I turned towards him and whispered, "Get out." 

"Okay," he put on his sandal and made his way towards the door. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now