Are you sure you won't fall for him?

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I rode my scooter back to my home and parked it. Looking back at the street corner, I noticed he was no longer there. I retrieved my shoes from under the seat and rang the doorbell. Mom opened the door, her eyes falling on my wet dress. "Why is your dress wet?" she asked curiously.

 "I went to the beach," I replied simply. 

 She raised an eyebrow, asking, "Alone?" 

 I nodded and placed my shoe on the shoe stand. Excusing myself, I went to wash my legs and changed into comfortable pajamas. It was 7:35 p.m., and I decided to call Rani. She answered with a casual "hi." 

"Where are you?" I asked her. 

 "I'm at home, why?" she replied curiously. 

 "Just wondering," I said nonchalantly.

 "So, what happened today?" she inquired. 

Stepping out onto the balcony, I took a deep breath before sharing, "Well, today was filled with quite a few embarrassing moments."

 Intrigued, Rani urged me, "Tell me more."

 Leaning against the railing, I continued, "You know, as usual, I was doing my morning stretches. But when I was balancing on one leg, I suddenly heard Dev's voice coming from behind me. I was so startled that I lost my balance and ended up falling to the floor, screaming in surprise." 

 Rani's voice carried a mix of concern and confusion as she asked, "First of all, what was he doing in your bed?"

 "There's more to the story," I continued. "As my mom was approaching my room, I quickly dragged Dev to the corner of the door where he would be out of sight. Just in time, my mom opened the door, and he remained hidden. I somehow managed to handle the situation, but then my mom started lecturing me again, saying things like 'You're not behaving like a girl; you'll end up looking like a man.' I managed to redirect her attention and sent her back to her work before closing the door," I explained. 

 Rani seemed intrigued and asked, "Ooh, interesting! What happened next?" 

 I chuckled and replied, "Well, he then commented that I looked like a woman. Confused, I asked him when he arrived, and he mentioned he came in when I was moving my body like a cat during my stretches."

 Rani burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Really? Even I haven't seen you doing stretches, but he got a front-row seat!" 

"To make matters worse, I was wearing shorts at that moment, and he even had the audacity to comment that my shorts were cute," I added, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment. 

 "I asked him to leave and told him that he could pick me up at 9:30 at the street corner," I continued. 

 Rani seemed intrigued by the situation. "So, he came to pick you up? What a caring guy. Did you ask him to do so?" she asked. 

 I shook my head and replied, "No, why would I? Last night, he offered to drive me home, and I accepted. Later, I explained to him that I was afraid to drive. Perhaps he thought about that and decided to be helpful."

 Rani's response caught me off guard as she exclaimed, "Wow, he sounds like the perfect husband material!" 

I couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, unsure of how to respond. "Duh, let's not forget that he's not human and also a murderer," I reminded Rani. She let out a sigh, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. 

 "And then, today I decided to wear that yellow dress you said was beautiful," I continued. 

 "Yes, I remember," she replied. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now