It's not fair

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Suddenly, everything turned dark. In an instant, I found myself back in my room, with only the soft glow of the night lamp illuminating the space. The dim light allowed me to discern the objects in the room. A wicked smile adorned his face as he spoke, "Never enter a man's room in the middle of the night." 

I realized I was still holding his hand and quickly withdrew mine, noticing the subtle reflection of the dim light on his bare skin. Determined, I turned on the main light switch and asserted, "Well, you should also know that you can't enter a woman's room whenever you please."

 He let out a soft chuckle and made himself comfortable, sitting on my bed. With a gentle tap, he motioned for me to join him on his right side. I let out a sigh and obliged, taking a seat beside him. As I sat down, he noticed the trembling of my legs. "Why are you shaking your legs?" he inquired.

 I shrugged and replied, "I've always had this habit, not sure why. It might be genetic, as my dad also shakes his legs." He nodded in understanding, acknowledging the peculiar trait. 

"Dev," I called out, capturing his attention.

 Our gazes met, and I mustered the courage to ask, "If I were to come to you for help, would you be there for me?"

 His response was unexpected but honest, as he stated, "I never help."

 I contemplated his words before rephrasing my request, "Alright, if I were to ask for a favor, would you be willing to grant it?" 

Curiosity tinged his voice as he inquired, "What kind of favor?" 

Seeking a straightforward answer, I pressed, "Just let me know if you're willing or not."

 He replied firmly, "I will."

 A wave of mixed emotions washed over me. I realized that he wouldn't readily allow me access to the fatebook. Why did these inexplicable things keep happening to me? The thought of losing someone dear weighed heavily on my heart. I grew weary of these celestial happenings. A deep sense of sadness enveloped me, and tears welled up in my eyes. The ache in my throat intensified, making it difficult to speak. I cast my gaze downward, preferring not to let anyone witness my tears. Despite my efforts, the tears cascaded down my cheeks, betraying my inner turmoil. 

"Are you crying?" Dev inquired, his voice filled with concern. I shook my head, refusing to meet his gaze as I kept my eyes fixed on the ground. Sensing my distress, he pressed further, urging me to open up. 

"What exactly happened? Is something troubling you? Please, tell me," he implored. 

Once again, I shook my head, not willing to share the burden that weighed on my heart. In a compassionate gesture, Dev knelt down before me, his hand gently cupping my chin as he lifted my face. Our eyes locked, and he sought the truth behind my tears. 

"What is it?" he softly asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. 

Gathering my thoughts, I mustered the strength to reply, "It's just... I'm feeling low." 

Curiosity evident in his eyes, he probed further, asking, "What is causing you to feel this way?"

 Hesitant to disclose the full extent of my worries, I hesitated before confessing, "If I tell you, you'll try to stop me." 

Assuring me, he firmly stated, "I won't. Please, tell me what's troubling you." 

Reluctantly, I began to reveal the events that unfolded earlier that day. "Today, a girl approached me and confessed that she had taken the fatebook and handed it over to a stranger. She didn't understand why she did it. Later, I encountered Dheeran, and I suspected that he was that very stranger. I confronted him, questioning why he framed me. He claimed it was to assist me, explaining that he had seen my fate. According to him, I am destined to lose someone I love dearly in the near future. However, he refused to disclose their identity, insisting that I must witness my own fate to save them. Dheeran believed that if I were to confide in you, you would prevent me from taking the necessary steps to save them," I poured out, recounting the disheartening revelations. 

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