You? Love? That's ridiculous

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I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 10th floor. As the elevator ascended, my mind wandered to my cabin and the neighboring one to my left. It used to be occupied by a woman who had been working there until last week. However, upon reaching my cabin, I noticed that it was now vacant. Her belongings were no longer there. I wondered why she hadn't come in today. 

Did she resign? The exact reason for her absence remained unknown to me. "Why are you still working here?" I heard Dev's voice as he stood beside my cabin. 

Startled, I turned to face him. "What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.

 "You didn't come for lunch," he pointed out. 

I checked the time and realized it was already 1:30 p.m. "I'm not hungry, I didn't realize how fast time had passed," I explained. 

Dev leaned against the table, his backside resting on its edge. "I met my uncle," he continued.

 My curiosity piqued, I asked, "What did he say? Is it true?" 

 Dev shook his head, reassuring me, "No, nobody is going to die. He lied." 

 Relief washed over me as I responded, "Are you telling the truth? I really hope so." 

 Dev frowned and replied, "Why would I lie to you?"

 "Just checking, I'm so relieved," I smiled, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. 

"Dev, now that we know nobody is going to die, is there anything else you need?" I inquired. 

 Dev shook his head and said, "No, I'm good."

 "Wow, you're so boring. I guess I'll go ask KK then," I grimaced playfully.

 I logged out of my workstation and stood up, ready to leave. We made our way to the elevator and descended to the 5th floor. As I opened the office door, we entered and settled in. An air of excitement filled the room as I declared, "KK, today is my treat. What do you want?" 

 KK seemed surprised by the offer and questioned, "Why? Is there something special today?"

 I explained with a smile, "In a way, I've been carrying some worries, but now I'm relieved and incredibly happy. Let's celebrate!"

 KK pondered for a moment before suggesting, "How about going to Spice Restaurant? I've heard their food is excellent. It's a newly opened place." 

 "Sounds perfect! What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I exclaimed, extending my right hand to KK. He took my hand, and together we made our way towards the door. 

Just as we were about to leave, we turned to Dev, who had been watching with a smile. "Care to join us?" I asked, extending the invitation.

 Dev's smile widened as he responded, "Let's go in my car." 

Excitement filled the air as we made our way to the parking lot. Dev took the driver's seat, KK opened the front passenger door, and I settled into the back seat. We arrived at the Spice restaurant and entered its welcoming ambiance. The ceiling lights cast a beautiful glow, illuminating the spacious dining area. Only a few tables were occupied, creating a calm and relaxed atmosphere. 

As we walked in, I noticed a free table near the front, offering a view outside through the glass. I eagerly took a seat by the glass, with Dev sitting beside me and KK opposite me.

However, a thought crossed my mind, and I turned to KK. "Can I call Rani? Would it be okay?" I asked, seeking his permission. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now