I apologize, she might kill me

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As the pishacha approached, I ran as far away from it as possible, constantly looking back to check if it was still following me. In my haste, I accidentally collided with something, and it grasped hold of both my arms. Stepping back, I stared at the figure before me—it was Dev. 

"My goodness, kill it!" I shouted, pointing frantically at my back, my breath ragged and rapid. 

Confused, Dev raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Kill what?" he asked. 

"The pishacha! It was trying to eat us!" I exclaimed, my finger trembling as I pointed to my injured back, my breathing still erratic. He walked past me, and I turned to see where he was headed. He turned to the side, disappearing from my view. Without hesitation, I hurriedly went in the direction he had gone. 

As I caught up with him, he glanced at me. "There's nothing here," he declared. 

"What? It was there! It must be hiding somewhere nearby," I insisted. 

 Dev frowned, shaking his head. "I didn't sense anything in this area," he remarked.

 Determined to prove my point, I persisted, "No, trust me. It even bit both KK and me. Look." I turned around, revealing the bite marks on my back.

 "Oh, it got you good," Dev acknowledged. 

 Turning back to face him, I demanded, "Where did it go?" His response was a shrug. He placed his hands on his hips, appearing unsure. 

 Frustrated, I expressed my concern, "You can't dismiss it like this. It's your duty to kill it. What if it finds me again?" 

 "Call me when you need me," he replied. I retorted.

 "But I can only call you if I can concentrate. How can I call you when I'm in a situation like just now?" Dev sighed, understanding my predicament.

 Curiosity getting the better of me, I inquired, "How did you come here?" 

 "KK asked me to come to the rooftop and assist you. He sounded serious," Dev explained. 

 Annoyed, I emphasized, "It is serious!" I glared at him, hoping he would grasp the gravity of the situation. 

 "You can't be killed by a pishacha," Dev assured me. I sighed, realizing the truth in his statement. 

 "Yes, but I can still feel the pain of my flesh being bitten," I lamented. Feeling the need to take action, I made my way toward the door. 

"Where are you going like that?" he questioned. 

 Exhausted and overwhelmed, I replied, "I don't want to stay here anymore." 

 He noticed the tear in my shirt and warned me, "Your shirt is torn. Do you want to expose your bloody back to everyone down there?"

 It took me a moment to process his words before I turned to face him. I reached back and felt the torn fabric, discovering the exposed skin. I cursed inwardly, regretting not wearing a camisole or something to cover my back. Frustrated with myself, I lightly hit my forehead with my right hand, unsure of what to do next.

 "Call KK and ask him to come to the restroom. Have him check if anyone is there," Dev suggested, trying to offer a solution. I swiftly retrieved my phone from my pocket and dialed KK's number, hoping he would answer and come to my aid. He picked up the call immediately, answering at the first ring. 

"KK, can you come to the restroom?" I requested. 

"I'm in the restroom cleaning my wound," KK replied. 

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