The way you look at me

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We decided to park my scooter on a nearby street since vehicles weren't allowed on the beach road. After parking, we made our way to the beach road on foot. The sun was shining, but it wasn't scorching hot. We reached the designated address, which was door number 18. 

Unsure of which direction to go, I asked KK, "Which way is it?"

 "It's this way," he pointed to the left.

 "I've been here once before." He took the lead, and we walked until we stood in front of a brown door marked with the number 18. KK pressed the doorbell, and we waited, but there was no response. He pressed it again, but still, there was no answer. 

"Maybe he went out," KK suggested. 

"I don't think so," I replied skeptically and knocked loudly on the door. 

"Dev, are you here?" I shouted. A woman who was exiting the restaurant next to the house gave us a strange look. Frustrated, I leaned against the door, and to my surprise, it swung open suddenly, causing me to slip. Fortunately, KK caught my hand, preventing me from falling. Looking at KK, I saw him shrug. 

"Let's go inside," I determined. 

"Maybe we should come back later," he suggested cautiously. 

Ignoring his suggestion, I made up my mind and stepped inside. To my left, there was a stand for footwear, where I left my casual shoes. On the right, there was a staircase leading to the upper floor. KK chose to stay outside, perhaps feeling apprehensive. As I ventured further into the house, I entered a spacious hall with three consecutive doors lining the opposite wall. A sofa, coffee table, and a vase adorned the center of the hall, while a large TV, approximately 53 inches in size, faced the sofa. The walls were painted in a somber shade of grey, lending a sense of darkness to the room.

Feeling the need for more light, I noticed a switch located next to the first door. I flicked it, and the room was instantly illuminated. Four ceiling lights, positioned at each corner, brightened the space. 

On the wall opposite the TV, I spotted a large axe hanging, catching my attention. It was an imposing weapon, approximately three feet in size, with the blade adorned with inscriptions and crafted from various metals. The handle featured a gold adornment at its base, adding to its antique charm. 

Although I couldn't decipher the imprints clearly, the axe exuded an aura of mystery with its intricate designs. I heard approaching footsteps and quickly hurried to take cover behind the sofa. The sound of the steps grew louder, and I cautiously peeked from the corner of the sofa.

 To my relief, it was KK. "Oh, it's you," I exclaimed and stood up. 

KK let out a scream that startled me. "What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

 "It's you... I thought it was someone else," he trailed off, leaving his sentence unfinished. I gave him a stern look. 

 "You scared me by screaming like that," I scolded him. 

"Sorry," he apologized, adjusting his glasses. 

 "What were you doing there?" he inquired. 

 "Um, well, I thought Dev was coming," I replied. 

 "Why were you hiding from him?" he asked. 

 "I don't know, it was just a sudden impulse to hide there," I admitted. 

 "I thought you were too scared to come," I teased with a smirk. 

 "I'm still afraid, but I didn't feel right leaving you alone," he explained. He looked around as if he was seeing it for the first time. Then his gaze fell upon the axe, and his eyes widened in surprise. 

After Life: Embracing the Depth of Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن