Was he upset with me?

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I woke up at 6:30 a.m. after not having worked out for the past few days. Today, I decided to do a 45-minute Pilates session, which is a really effective workout that doesn't require any equipment. 

After my workout, I took a shower and noticed that my wound had formed some black fibrous tissue, so I didn't need to wear any bandages. I knew it would eventually heal on its own. For my outfit, I chose to wear houndstooth patterned trousers with a white tee and a matching houndstooth patterned blazer.

 I arrived at the CG office at 9:50 a.m. and promptly settled into my chair to begin my work. Today, I was determined to fully dedicate myself to my tasks. By 4:15 p.m., I had successfully completed all of my assigned work for the day. Curious to see if there were any additional tasks, I approached Sangeetha and inquired if there was anything else to do. However, she informed me that there were no further assignments at the moment. Since I hadn't visited KK yet, I proceeded to the 5th floor and approached KK's office door. As I knocked, I could hear KK's voice from inside, so I confidently entered the room. 

"I thought you weren't coming today. How are you feeling now?" KK inquired, dressed in a black shirt adorned with a rose pattern, paired with blue jeans. 

 "I'm doing well. Any updates?" I asked. 

 "Unfortunately, no leads yet. Dev is currently looking into it," KK responded.

 "Are you still keeping the book in the same location as before?" I asked. 

 "No, we've made a change," KK confirmed. 

 "That's good," I replied, taking a seat. Unsure of what to say next, I sat there in silence. 

"Have you had lunch?" I asked. 

 "Uh, yeah," KK replied. 

 "I don't think you did," I remarked. He smiled in response. 

 "You should take care of yourself too," I advised. 

 "I know, I'll try," he assured me. 

 Curious to know more about him, I asked, "So, where do you live? You haven't told me about your family." 

 KK's expression turned slightly somber as he responded, "Well, I don't have a family. I'm single and currently reside in a nearby area. I've rented a room."

 Feeling a sense of sympathy, I expressed, "Oh, I'm sorry. It must be tough for you." 

 He reassured me, saying, "It's alright. There are many people who are less fortunate than me. I'm content with where I am now. I'm genuinely happy."

 I smiled and nodded in understanding. "Are you single?" I inquired. 

Suddenly, he looked at me as if I had asked him a deeply personal question. "No," he replied, shaking his head. 

 Curiosity getting the better of me, I pressed on, "Not even a first love?" 

 He responded with a simple "No." 

In return, he asked, "What about you?"

 I replied, "Same as you." He nodded in understanding. 

 "I'm waiting for that special person. When I find them, I'll just know he is the one," I explained.

 Offering his support, he said, "I hope you find the best one." 

 I smiled and replied, "I'm certain you'll find the perfect match too." 

KK then returned to his work on the laptop, while I glanced at the status updates of my contacts on WhatsApp. Observing the time, which read 5:45 p.m., I said, "Alright, KK, I'll see you tomorrow." 

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