Tis the season..

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Ho Ho Ho.. Merry First of December!

The most murderous time of the year has finally arrived and it's time for Christmas special oneshots again. 

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!

Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!)

Hanukkah Sameach! (Happy Hanukkah!)

And for those who don't celebrate this time of year at all, thEn I do hope you'll have a wonderful and joyful winter!

And Happy New Year!!

It's good to see/read you all again and I hope everyone have a peaceful month to end the year with. 

Please remember to wrap up warm during the winter and for those old enough to drink, maybe stop once you start forgetting your own address. Stay safe out there, everyone. 

And for those struggling, I'm sending out as much love and luck as I can. I wish I could do something to help but all I can do is think over you all and pray that help comes along. Please look for shelters, help lines or any form of help you need if you need it. I know Christmas is busy for most but hopefully you'll be one of the lucky few to gain that much needed help. 

I hope all those that do enjoy the season can stuff their mouths full of all the naughty but yummy treats sold at Christmas. Hopefully you won't fill your stomachs enough to "re-taste" the treats since they won't be as delicious the second time coming up. 

And if anyone wants to excitedly rant or brag a little over any Christmas plans than I'd be delighted to hear/read all about them in the comments and try to return positive replies. 

For those will family and those who'll be spending the holiday alone, I do wish that you have a fabulous winter, Christmas and new year. 

This year I've tried to cover as many ships as I've been known to write over the years. Even bringing forward some old ones that I haven't touched in years.

Don't expect more than one chapter for each ship that's been chosen for this special this year. I've had to write up a lot and as much as I'd have loved to write more Christmas themed special for some, I just can't dare to look at another chapter again that needs writing without crying a little. 

As I did the year before, I'll upload ONE special once a day until the books is finished. If for any reason I don't upload daily at one point than I'll upload the missed days together instead.  

Big THANK YOU to all those who commented prompts or ideas last year. I've carried them over to this year and hopefully used more of them. 

I know not everyone will read all the ships and hence I've written up a small list over what ships will be uploaded on what days. Please read the list below

(I've tagged as many as these ships as possible and I apologize for any missed out on the tags)

Christmas oneshot specials day's list!

Day One = Ogafuru

Day Two = Royai

Day Three = Jaydick

Day Four = Maksou

Day Five = Yamakage

Day Six = Hideki

Day Seven = Birdflash 

Day Eight = Gureshin

Day Nine = Aokuro

Day Ten = Makorin

Day Eleven = Lavi x Yu

Day Twelve = Bakutodo

Day Thirteen = Kagekuro

Day Fourteen = Makoharu

Day Fifteen = Brudick

Day Sixteen = Tyki x Lavi

Day Seventeen = Goblin Slayer 

Day Eighteen = Tsukkiyama

Day Nineteen = Kondick

Day Twenty = Rivamika 

Day Twenty-One = ROTSH (Rise of the Shield Hero - No Ship)

Day Twenty-Two = Graylu.

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