On the 7th Day of Christmas .. BirdFlash

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Prompt: Taking kid to see Santa/ Staying up late to see Santa.

This was Damian's second Christmas with them. 

All of them. 

Everyone was alive, mostly uninjured, accounted for and home in Gotham for at least two weeks of December. 

Everyone in the batclan was close by and would be spending the holidays in Gotham together. 

Damian's first Christmas in Gotham wasn't the smoothest, Bruce was assumed dead, Tim was away trying to prove that the man was alive, Cass was in another country, Jason chose to spend the holidays with his new team and Damian knew over Christmas but didn't celebrated it. 

Wayne's Christmas was always a mixture of different religions and beliefs mixed into one single celebration, trying to bring some joy and peace to all the family members. 

Wally wasn't Christian but he loved Christmas, the sweet and homecooked food, putting up a tree and decorations with love ones and picking out thoughtful gifts of them. Dick loved Christmas too, he loved the warm hot chocolate, the gathering of love ones and the bright and sparkling colours filling every home and shop. 

It made the couple rather giggly over Christmas time and doing their best to celebrate and decorate as much as possible. With Dick gaining care over Damian, once winter came along, the two taught Damian how to enjoy the holidays without having to be committed to the religious reasons. 

None of the rest of the family were around apart from Alfred, the poor ten year old didn't really understand the joy's of Christmas but was taught the religious meaning as if it was part of a history test. 

Damian showed interest during his Christmas with Wally and Dick, but the boy had just lost a father and wasn't ready just yet for the merry of Christmas.  

Since Bruce had returned, Damian had returned to living with him while Wally and Dick stayed in Blüdhaven. An agreement had been formed, Damian spending three weekends a month with Wally and Dick, the three had formed their own family, grown attached in the year Bruce was assumed dead. Neither were ready to just walk away and return to their old lives.

And that meant as December came around, he spent three of the four weekends of the month with him. Joining them with their own made up traditions and preparing for the Christmas day.

That meant that Dick and Wally decided to keep some of Damian's innocent protected and give him a childish dream of believing in a myth. 

Damian knew over the easter bunny and the tooth fairy being made up for the shake of children. But somehow, Santa wasn't completely ruined to him. He knew over the meaning of Christmas day but he didn't know much over the myth known as Santa. 

It gave both men a chance to let the boy explore a more childlike innocent before he truly stood too old to experiment some normal childhood memories. 

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