On the 5th Day of Christmas .. YamaKage

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Prompt: Building/Making a gingerbread house. 

Side Note: I wanted Tobio to come up with a nickname for Tadashi after getting a bit jealous over Tadashi nickname for Tsukishima. Wanting the nickname to seem cute but be link to happiness and something positive. So, Tobio nicknamed Tadashi as Tada .. but he means in as Ta-Da! Like when someone excitedly shows something or gives out a surprise. So, read Tada in the perky Ta-Da tone .. please.  

Practice didn't stop even when the winter holiday had fallen upon them at school. Every other student no longer having to come into school and were left to enjoy their Christmas holiday. 

But Karasuno volleyball team had decided to come to practice almost every single day of the winter holiday. Christmas day was promised to be an off day for all of them. Leaving them all to have to come in to school for half a day practice in the mornings. Leaving everyone to have the afternoon to do any Christmas shopping or spend time with friends and families. 

Practice wasn't overly bad, they all grew use to working hard and training even harder. The cold weather was brutal, the snow was pretty but easily became cold and damp. All of them slipping in old snow and finding black ice hidden under freshly fallen snow. 

Tobio knew his boyfriend hated the cold, he easily fell cold and could rarely warm up during winter at all. Always wearing thick coats to try and keep any body heat he makes trapped inside. Gloves always stayed on his hands whenever he stepped outside and a scarf tightly, almost strangling him, around his neck. He never wore a hat, Tobio learnt early on that his boyfriend couldn't handle hats, he found them itchy. 

It felt strange calling Tada as his boyfriend, it was a recent development. 

Neither actual confessed like the movies would show, they just clumsily got flustered around each other's in their own way. Tada offering up a chance to date if Tobio was willing to give it a go. Tadashi was rather good at reading people's emotions, even if they didn't openly show them. He had practiced with his Tsukki after all. 

Tobio might have been seen as young and a bit of an idiot, but he wasn't dumb enough to miss his shot with Tadashi. He wouldn't gush about being in love because he was still learning over romance and love, but he liked Tadashi more than he liked others. He held a personal interest in him and liked the other teen's attention being focused on him. 

One day, once his hormones pass and he stood as an adult, he was going to see if Tadashi would be willing to take a shot at marriage with him. If they lasted that long. He knew it was a bunch of teenage crushes dreams to think over marriage so soon but he could see it and he hoped to have it with Tadashi. 

But for now, he was going to cherish the memories they make as newly became boyfriends. Learning each other's likes and dislikes and exploring their relationship slowly as neither was in a rush to jump head first into anything. 

They haven't even shared a first kiss yet, they've held hands and slung an arm around each other's shoulders when walking side by side. 

He was working up the courage to kiss Tada's cheek, to show that he really did want to spend all his time with Tadashi outside of practice. 

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the airNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ