On the 9TH Day of Christmas .. AoKuro

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Prompt: Engagement. 

Sweaty palms, more than any pre-game nerves he's ever felt before. 

Snow falling as if it was a graceful dance just for them. 

His knees were weak as if he hasn't allowed himself to heal from a strained knee. 

Light's twinkling through every shop window they've passed so far. 

His mouth feeling dry enough that he's felt like he's done a week's practice without a water break.  

Christmas songs have drifted out from every car window opened a crack when passing. 

His eyes haven't stopped glancing down to his coat jacket since they've left. 

Today was the day. 

Christmas eve eve. 

A day most overlook and don't see as special. 

But today was special. 

It was the day he was given a second shot to dunk the ball of their relationship. 

Tetsuya had accepted his confession and gave their relationship a chance to bloom this time. 

Tetsuya believed in Christmas eve eve. 

The eve of Christmas eve was as special and exciting as Christmas day to him. 

He'd never understand it nor would he try too. 

He'll just fondly watch his boyfriend grow giggly every time he realizes it's the 23rd of December. 

Today was going to be as magically as he knew Tetsuya deserved. 

It was going to be a private matter. 

His boyfriend didn't like being put on the spot and would lean towards what he assumed the room would want him to react with. 

Tetsuya 2 was with them, taking the dog for a walk was the perfect excuse. 

They've stopped at his favourite milkshake place, the main reason they had gotten an apartment close by. 

Glanced at the sport stores as they were meant to be heading back home. 

Drinks still in hand, Tetsuya drink being cold and numbing his fingers even with his gloves on. 

But he'd never give up on drinking his vanilla milkshakes, the day he does, he's a clone. 

The streets are less busy by the old and rusting public court. 

It's too cold to play and the park looks too spooky in the single hour before the street lamps would turn on. 

It was perfectly private, someone could be murdered here and no one would even know it. 

The best spot for an engagement. 

He'd self designed their matching rings, didn't guess that he overpaid for the rings to be made. 

He knew they'd never be able to marry, not legally, not in the country they call home. 

But being engagement forever with a promised ring that held the same weight as a wedding ring was just as good. 

They'd legally change their names if Tetsuya wants to share a last name, single or joint, he didn't mind himself. 

In his eyes, they'd be soulmates joined by the heart and by the matching rings on their fingers that they'd hopefully die wearing and be buried with. 

"Daiki.." Tetsuya slowly says the name, seeming more like a question than calling for the other as he looks around them. 

"Hmm?" Daiki hums back, his eyes on Tetsuya 2 as the dog sniffs at a random bush. 

"Are you planning to murder me?" Tetsuya bluntly asked as he comes to a stop, glancing around at the clear future murder scene they found themselves in. 

"Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow if you press your chilly feet to my legs when we're in bed" Daiki grinned back as he looked to his boyfriend with a knowing look. 

"Not my fault you're my personal heater" Tetsuya grumbled back with a small but cute pout over being called out on his bad habit. 

The two start to walk again, Daiki smartly passing on Tetsuya leash to his boyfriend as he prepares for his main reason over the three of them being out here tonight and at this exact location. Slowing to a stop before clearing his throat and making the other stop and turn to him. 

"Tetsuya, I don't wish for you to stand as my shadow anymore nor I as your light. I want us to stand side by side until we no longer hold breath in our lungs. I want the world to see us both as a strong front and an even stronger couple. I want to be able to blindly throw a pass and know you'd always be there to catch it. I want to be able to dunk every ball you pass. I-I've learnt that I love you more than basketball itself. And I believe it's time the world knows as much as you deserve to know it" Daiki announces gently but firmly, his eyes full of determination, nerves and warmth as he looks at the shorter man. 

"Daiki what are you-" Tetsuya starts to ask before falling silent as he watches the other man pull something from his pocket and take a half step back to make room for the next part. 

"Tetsuya Kuroko, will you be my ball to my net and marry me?" Daiki asked with a love sick smile as he kneeled down before his boyfriend, hopefully soon fiancé, and hold up the ring box that held both rings inside. 

Tetsuya was left speechless, his eyes wet and not from the freezing winds that kept making his bones shiver underneath his flesh. He was feeling a bit overemotional as he stares down at his future with the man he loves with all his heart. 

Giving a shaky nod and a weak yes before slipping his glove off and holding out his hand towards the taller man. Watching as the basketball shaped ring was slip onto his ring finger, claiming him as his fiancé from now and filling with pure happiness by the thought. 

His fiancé ripping of his glove with his teeth before holding up his hand, still holding the ring box with his other. Tetsuya didn't waste a single second to slip the matching ring onto his fiancé's wedding finger and claim him back as his own. 

Both grinning like mad men before they were closing the distance and sharing a loving and desperate kiss. Closing their eyes as they melted into the other's hold and know that they'd wake up every morning to the face of the one they love forever. 

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the airOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora