On the 18th Day of Christmas .. TsukkiYama

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Prompt: Gift wrapping. 

Kei didn't bother to wrap presents for any occasion. 

He didn't bother wasting his time in wrapping gifts just for the person to rip the paper off afterwards. He wasn't going to put effect in hiding a gift that most people can figure out what it was by it's shape or from whatever they've hinted towards wanting. 

He simply passes the present over and be done with it. 

If anyone mentioned any complaints over his lack of care for wrapping a gift than he mentioned it over being environment unfriendly. That normally shut anyone up as the didn't want to hear a lecture or be seen as the bad guy. 

He didn't care if wrapping paper was environment unfriendly. He didn't care much for environment friendly speeches either. 

He just used it as an excuse to escape any lectures over not putting effect into hiding the present or making it more special and fun for the person planned to open it. 

Hence he was proving his love for his ten year boyfriend by helping to wrap presents, for free. No favours expected afterwards and only slightly complaining as he helped. 

He wasn't asked for much, merely pressing his finger where it was needed while his boyfriend grabbed the next bit of tape. 

In truth he was just a human version of a paperweight expected to keep the folded bits of wrapping paper in place until the tape took over the job role. 

Tadashi clearly thrived and drowned in the love from his boyfriend, knowing that it was a big show of affection from his boyfriend to help him wrap up all his Christmas presents. Well, not all of them. He'll wrap the presents for his boyfriend at a later date when he wasn't around to sneak a peek at them. 

For now he happily hummed along to the song's playing from the music chancel on their tv and wrapped presents for their families and closest friends. Taking a note from his boyfriend's book and not bothering to wrap the small chocolates grabbed for co-worker's or their neighbours that they were friendly towards but not actual friend's with. 

Smiling to make his dimples pop out, chuckling everytime he leaned up to kiss his boyfriend each time he finished wrapping a present just to have a dimple kissed instead. Both dimples being showered with love and light kisses. 

Kei never put the effect in wrapping presents for others.

Not even family.

But he was finally starting to see the perks of spending time gift wrapping if it ended up with kissing the most adorable dimples he's ever seen. 

Maybe next year he'd actual try wrapping up presents, with the help of his boyfriend. 

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