On the 4th Day of Christmas .. MakoSou

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Prompt: Snowball fight.

The snow had finally stopped falling and left everything a layer of white. All the sights around them were made a little bit more beautiful by the white coating. Only the paths and gardens had cleared spaces from the snow, leaving people to walk around safely and by children playing in the snow already. 

A few snowmen were left standing for passerbys to admire and peak at. Snow angels showing the mud and grass that the snow had covered. Patches of snow melting from fences and building walls from where snowballs had been thrown and landed. 

The group have decided to meet up on the snow day, Samezuka Academy had closed their pool for the day to make it fair over all clubs being unable to practice today. Hence Rin, Sousuke, Nitori and the Mikoshiba brother's to join the  Iwatobi swim teams on a day out.

The Mikoshiba brothers had came for the sole reason of thinking that Gou was going to be there. Both not trusting the other to not flirt with her and came to woo her while keeping their brother away. Leaving them currently on all fours in the snow as the learnt that they had been wrong and Gou wasn't coming at all. She had smartly decided to enjoy her snow day inside, where it's warm. 

Nagisa, Rei and Nitori were way of ahead than the rest. Nagisa doing most of the talking with Rei half complaining and Nitori adding his views on certain topics. Rin and Haru were silently walking behind the three, half listening in and half looking at Jack Frost's handy work. 

Leaving Makoto and Sousuke to walk side by side, Makoto happily chattering away while Sousuke listening and replied with a few words when he wanted to add his thoughts. 

It was an hour away from midday, leaving the group to find something to kill the time on the chilly day before they'd find somewhere warm and cheap to enjoy lunch. None of them had decided on a place yet and all of them have accepted to leave that as a problem for their future selves. 

For now they'll worry over whatever their current selves had to worry over. Including Haru taking a snowball to the back after mentioning he wanted to swim .. yet again. Everyone had frozen, staring wide eyed at a surprised Haru who had slowly turned round and prepared to accuse Sousuke of being the suspect. 

But they all found a sheepishly smiling Makoto with snow covered gloves on his hands and looking overly guilty. Makoto gave a small, nervous laugh and mentioned that snow was technically water so Haru was surrounded by his beloved water. 

The excuse worked perfectly for simple minded Haru who soon dived face first into a pile of snow and tried swimming in it. For everyone else, they all shared evil grins as they knew that an act of war had been done. 

"Snowball Fight!!!!" Nagisa screamed out like a warrior about to charge into battle. 

"Let's make this fair. We all have five minutes to crate some cover. Agreed?" Rei started to say as he pushed his glasses back up his nose with a shaky hand. Knowing this wasn't going to end well. 

The red glasses teen was silenced to a snowball the face that sent him stumbling back, slipping in the snow and landing on his bum. Nitori silently pointed a finger towards Nagisa who soon pointed back at him before the pair were charging at one another. 

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