On the 6th Day of Christmas .. HideKi

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Prompt: Tongue stuck on cold pipe or lamppost.

Hide knew his best friend wouldn't be returning home for Christmas, he never really had a home since he lost his parents. But Hide wasn't going to leave his friend alone during a time meant to be filled with family, love and joy. 

He's already gifted his present early, a thick and soft white scarf since he knew his best friend had always been easily cold. Gaining a matching yellow scarf that he proudly wears whenever they go out, happy to know they're matching. 

Deep down he knew Ken was rather happy over the matching scarfs too. He's more sappy than everyone first assumes he is. And knowing that he now owned a matching outfit to someone in his life would make him rather happy. 

Hide had gotten Ken extra gifts, all of them being useful towards Ken's daily life, collage life or something he'd be able to eat. He wanted his best friend to wake up and feel showered by positive affection of all the little presents waiting under the tiny, knitted tree Hide had bought for his small apartment. Of course all the presents were left in a bag on the floor while the knitted tree sat on the corner of the tv stand. 

Ken had been flustered as he always was whenever Hide showered him in affection and cherished his friend. But Hide had won him over to only buying one useful or food present in return for the bagful left behind. 

The only thing left to do this Christmas was to make his friend laugh, a real deep and carefree laugh full of bubbly joy and happiness. 

And it wasn't going to be forced or nervous. 

Hide knew his friend well enough that he was going to get an honest and innocent laugh out of him. Not something felt forced due to the air around him. 

And that's how Hide found himself currently awaiting an ambulance with his tongue stuck to a lamppost. 

Ken had phoned the ambulance after Hide had unsuccessfully tried to pull his tongue back into his mouth. That's when they both came with the dread realization that his tongue had frozen onto the lamppost while more snow fell around them still. 

But he wasn't embarrassed, he felt proud. 

Because as they stood waiting for someone to come and rescue him, strangers judging him as they hurried past, Ken had laughed. 

It was the most beautiful sound that Hide had ever heard in his life and he adored it. 

Ken was giggly like a school boy after a group of children had ran past, mentioning how school was important so they didn't turn into an idiot like Hide. 

Ken found it hilarious and ended up kneeling into the snow, holding his stomach and laughing hard enough to bring joyful tears to his eyes. 

It was the greatest present that anyone could have gifted Hide. 

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