On the 15th Day of Christmas .. Brudick

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Prompt: New Years Fireworks. 

Christmas day was spent with all the family home at the manor. 

The manor being full of life, laughter and raised voices.

It had been dearly missed and not missed at all. 

Bruce felt lacking on Christmas day, he was more focused on his children than his husband. 

All parents focused on their children's happiness more than own on Christmas.  

Even Richard was busy making sure all their children were happy and was having a magical day. 

But Richard had done more than Bruce, he had still chosen a loving and personal gift for Bruce to open and have his Christmas made special like they did for their children. 

Bruce didn't do the same for his husband, he had merely bought a gift he knew he liked. 

Sure, his husband loved the gift and lit up as bright as the Christmas tree but Bruce still felt like he had failed in cherishing his husband like he deserved. 

He had decided to try and make boxing day more special. 

The children no longer needed to be placed first and were all old enough to handle themselves for a day. 

But than Poison Ivy had break out and showed her wrath for how environment unfriendly Christmas was. She had allowed families to celebrate the holiday on the day but now boxing day was free for her to gain her revenge for the planets torture just to make a single day special. 

That left all the bats and birds heading out, having some family bonding during the day and night as the dealt with Ivy and the lower ranked criminals who tried using her distraction to commit a crime. 

Bruce was left feeling lacking and defeated even as he laid in bed, watching his husband peacefully sleep.

It's why he got to forming a new plan to make his husband feel as if was the most important person in all the universes. 

He'll make his husband know that even God had blessed him above angels themselves. 

He didn't have much time think or create a plan, everything was mostly last minute as he decides to go with the first thought that comes to mind. 

It's the evening of the 31st, New Year's was just a few hours away.

Thirty minutes before midnight and new years would be celebrated for the whole world to hear. 

He'd purposely crossed paths with his husband, taking his hand and holding him close as he grappled them towards the perfect spot. 

A smile would been seen on Batman's face as they flew through the city, listening to his husband's joyful and bubbly laugh. The excited squeals and more quiet whispers of "I love you" that Batman melted under. 

If Batman took the longer route to the rooftop than Nightwing didn't mention it, only placed a press to his lips once they had landed.  

He watched his husband wonder the rooftop a little, taking in the view around him and using his detective skills in hopes to work out what his other half was up too. 

Bruce was inpatient, pushing his cowl down like a fool and took of his husband's gloved hand. Pressing a kiss on the covered knuckles before leading him closer towards the edge. 

Hearing their children that were still within the city start to count down over the coms, not knowing they were helping their father to plan one last surprise for their tati. 

Dead on midnight the gloomy, night sky exploded with bright and all colours. 

Fireworks after fireworks filling the air, bringing light to the normally dark city. 

Bruce stood behind his husband, hands covering Richard's ears as he knew his love didn't enjoy loud sounds, so use to loud noises leading towards bad news during a mission or patrol. But he adored fireworks, always standing by a window to watch them from a distance. 

Bruce hid the sound as much as his gloved hands would allow for his husband. Watching his husband stand in awe and admiration towards the perfect spot to see the best view of the fireworks in the whole of Gotham. 

For the both of them it was a breath taking view. 

Bruce's eyes never straying from his handsome husband, and Richard watching the gorgeous sight caused by the colourful gunpowder being let lose in the sky. 

Bruce would never be able to speak the words his husband deserved to be told but he prayed that this moment right here would speak it all for him. 

And it did. 

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