On the 1st Day of Christmas .. OgaFuru

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Side Note: I know this is meant to be a "ONE" -shot special but I couldn't chose between two ideas for this ship's Christmas special and did two within one chapter. I've left enough space to separate the two stories. 

Prompts One: Heart thought gift. 

Prompts Two: Handmade/Family tradition. 

Story One:

Christmas wasn't overly a magical or special time of the year like how some might have it. For them, they were busy with the winter holiday being filled of thugs looking for revenge or a whole new fight in hopes to be crown the best before Christmas day passed. 

None of them ever did win and it meant that a quiet Christmas was never done and any old fashion traditions had to be done secretly inside their homes. 

Neither could have a family day out peacefully without some random delinquent looking for a fight with Oga. Either finding Oga on their own or spotting Furuichi and pestering him over Oga's whereabouts since it's a well known fact the two are mostly always together. 

That left spending time with family happening at home if they want to actual spend the day together and enjoy it without either one of the son being pulled away from the rest of them. 

But it did make Christmas shopping for the two boys easier for their families since they could just pop out and buy them whenever their sons were out, finishing up any winter fights. 

For Furuichi, he's been planning for Oga's Christmas present for some months now. The two of them had always been easy to buy gifts for. They had their own agreement. Buying something that would be useful or were needed. They left buying games for them to their parents, never worrying over their parents buying double since they've all shared their games with each other. 

It left Furuichi mostly buying Oga new school shirts or daily tops since the neckline was always being stretched whenever some random delinquent grabbed at his shirts and tops to pick a fight or during a fight. It left with Oga preferring a size up from what he was to lower risks of strangulation. But it still left him with ripped or stretched tops needing to be replaced and that was Furuichi easy birthday and Christmas present shorted. 

Oga normally went down the path of buying all of Furuichi favourite snacks. Knowing them off by heart since he's always stolen half of them from the silver haired teen. Christmas and Birthday's were the only days safe for Furuichi snacks to not be stolen from "The Rampaging Ogre". Furuichi loved those two special days since he'd be able to eat his given snacks in peace and not have to unwilling share. Even if he did always leave a handful left for the next day, knowing they'd be stolen by the person he left them for. 

Present giving was simple for the two childhood friends who knew the other well enough to buy something that'd make them happy and be used by them. Neither never going for anything personal or space hogging since it wouldn't be admired or needed much. They went for something the other would actual like and cherish in their own way. 

But this year, this year Furuichi was going to do something special and new. They've had a long, rough a bit crazy year since Beel appeared into their lives. Furuichi adored the naked baby, he wouldn't ever fully dare send him away but he did dream of a week without being electrocuted. 

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