On the 20th Day of Christmas .. Rivamika

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Prompt: Christmas baking.

Mikasa loves Christmas.

The season of winter. 

She wouldn't say the beauty of snow was her reasoning, she found beauty in every season.

Nor was it to be spoiled by presents by love ones and friends. 

She wasn't a fool to say it was due to no expeditions happening in the dead of winter. 

No, she loves the season due to the warm food that always filled her stomach. 

The food was always her favourite part of winter. 

The meals always seemed warmer. 

Each bite filled with love and history. 

Family recipes, different cultures and traditions all coming out at once and being shared by those around them. 

The loves the taste of pure joy and the feelings wrapped among the foods. 

She loves winter. 

"Stop being a brat" Levi scoffs back as he slaps the hand that keeps trying to eat the mixture in his bowl away. 

"According to you, I'll forever be a brat" Mikasa argues back with a smirk as she steals the spoon instead, happily taking a lick and humming happily over the taste. 

"My brat" Levi says more fondly than heated. 

The two were kept warm and dry in their little cabin on the edge of camp. Fire built in the fireplace of their open living and kitchen room. Doors and windows tightly shut and a few blankets were left draped over chairs and their sofa. 

Paper decorations filled the room, no other Christmas decoration allowed as the man of the house didn't really celebrate Christmas, not even when his mother still held breath in her lungs. The women of the house more into the foods of the season than anything else. 

Neither was needed by soldiers or had anymore duties needed of them either. They'd kept their days of just to enjoy the week before Christmas in peace. Both happy to stay tucked in their own little home and only keep each other company. 

None had to deal with cold and flu filled soldier's. No jack frost biting at their toes. No bitter winds that sliced at bone. 

They were just able to stay home and be husband and wife, the rest of the world didn't matter in the moment anymore. 

Hence the husband of the household was trying to bake his mother's cake. He rarely cooks meals inspired or taught by his mother. The memories had mostly faded and he always fears that the meals would lose the taste his mother given them. 

But he's always been a good cook. Learnt to cook when he was alone. Learning to make food last longer. For different food groups to be mixed togehter to be more filling. He learnt to keep himself alive through cooking skills sometimes. 

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