On the 11th Day of Christmas .. LavixYu

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Prompt: Reindeer 

"You've never seen a reindeer before?" Lavi asked surprised from where the two of them were comfortably lazing in the old wing library. Lavi laying without a care on the artwork floor, staring up at the tiled artwork ceiling. 

"Not once" Kanda anwsered as if it wasn't a big deal, turning a page in the book he was currently reading at the window seat. One leg bent while the other hanged over the edge, tip of his boot touching the ground. 

"Even with all the travelling you've done.." Lavi questioned in disbelief as he thought everyone had seen all type of wild life during their years of travel by now. 

"I have never seen one. Never crossed paths with one. Why does it matter?" Kanda snapped back, turning his head towards the other man that pushed to sit up, leaning on his arms. 

"Do you want to see one?" Lavi asked, tilting his head to the side, his growing hair hiding his bad eye that was normally kept hidden away with an eyepatch. But today, Lavi had left his headband around his neck, eyepatch slipped off in the quiet room. 

"No" Kanda lied, burning a hole into the current page of his book. 

"You seem pretty interested in seeing one" Lavi pointed out with a grin as he hopped to his feet, right eye somehow hidden from the other during the whole movement. 

"I overheard other members talking about their villages having reindeers for children to pet. I merely wondered what it would have been like to grow up and be able to feed or pet a reindeer every Christmas" Kanda huffed back in annoyance, choosing to act out than be completely honest over wanting to experience something as normal during Christmas and petting a reindeer like others got to do. 

"I'm going to give you the best Christmas present you've ever had, Yu" Lavi announced with a grin stretching from ear to ear, his left eye sparkling as he stared right at Yu. Arms left wide open as if he held the power to grant any wish. 

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Kanda screamed back, grabbing his katana and ready to slice the other man up. 

Lavi just laughed, grabbing his eyepatch from the table as he ran past, completely careless over the enraged man chasing after him with a deadly weapon. Teasing the other over how cute and pretty he was when he was mad at him. Reminding him that naughty children are placed on the naughty list if they don't apologize or stop misbehaving. 

Lavi set it as his life goal to let Yu meet a reindeer. 

To give Yu the option to feed or pet the animal if he wanted or if the animal allowed it. 

He had enough friends, comrades that owed a few favours and well, Allen would do anything for a table full of food. 

Lenalee Lee, bookmen, Komui and the others kept some distance once Lavi became determined and focused on his mission outside of missions given to him by the orders. 

Not even Kanda was able to distract the red head during the next couple of weeks as he busied himself with setting everything up and making Yu gain he perfect Christmas present. 

Something thoughtful, something done with Yu in mind, something that proved others had listened and cared for Yu.  

Of course, Lavi focused on the orders missions. Giving his endlessly attention to Yu as they travelled together on a joint mission and sending a few insults towards the akuma as they fought them. 

No innocent was found but Lavi's good mood didn't falter once.

"Oi!" Kanda called out as he struggled to walk through the snow covering the mountain, feeling frozen to the bone and knowing he needed a boiling hot bath just to feel his fingers again. 

"Hmm?" Lavi hummed back, a happy smile on his lips as he walked with his hands laced behind his head. 

"We're going in the wrong direction to the inn" Kanda pointed out as he glared towards the other man's back, wondering just how stupid he was to get them lost. 

"When did I mention going to the inn?" Lavi asked back with a silly smirk, glancing over his shoulder towards the other. 

"Not going to the in- We're knee deep in snow! Why wouldn't we be going back to the Inn?" Kanda snapped back in annoyance, speeding up his stumping to try and catch up with the other. 

"Do you know what today is?" Lavi asked casually, slowing his steps as he leads them of the snow covered path and into the woods on either side of the mountains path. 

"Wednesday.." Kanda slowly anwsered, wondering where this was going.  

"It's the 25th" Lavi grinned back as he twirled round, spreading his arms out and his eye glimmered. 

"So?" Kanda asked with a raised eyebrow, he was cold, wet and tried and ready to just stab the idiot who was stopping him from reaching his awaiting warm bath.

"It's Christmas" Lavi whispered with a blinding smile as he came to a sudden stop, stepping back to lean his back against the tree beside him and show Yu the view behind. 

Kanda slowed to a stop, looking to the other with pure confusion before taking a step forward and freezing mid step. His eyes grew wide as his lips parted. Right along the trees stood a couple of reindeers and deer's. Not all huddled up but close enough to be all together.  

He slowly, hesitated, in taking a step forward. To risk getting a little bit closer and admire the sights right before him. 

They were odd but beautiful, he never knew what he expected when he saw one in person but he wasn't overly disappointed. 

He felt his breath stop as one of the reindeers lifted their head, turning and looking right at them. He couldn't believe he was making eye contact with a reindeer, he was finally seeing one. 

He only risked a glance to the side when he felt someone standing beside him, noticing an arm lifting and knowing who's coat sleeve it was. 

"Here" Lavi whispered, dangling a paper bag full of carrots for him to try feeding the animals with. 

"Did you do this for me?" Kanda shakily asked, not believing this could been done for him and him alone. 

"I did" Lavi admitted with a proud nod, feeling with pride as he noticed the subtle changes of the other's mood and knowing he liked the surprise. 

"Why?" Kanda barely breathed out, feeling how raw he was becoming. 

"Because I love you, Yu. Always have. Always will" Lavi confesses, his one warm, his smile gentle and his eye filled with nothing but love for the other man. 

Yu just stared at the red head stunned, slowly absorbing his confession and the meaning of such powerful words. 

Finally looking back to the animals before him before letting a small but true smile fill in his lips. Feeling his eyes wet for another reason than the cold. Turning his face back to the other man once more and pushing up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to the cold and flustered cheek. 

"If you dare tell anyone I did that, they'd never believe you" Yu whispered in warning, snatching the bag of carrots and slowly making his way closer towards the reindeer. 

He really was given the best Christmas present in all his life. 

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