On the 21st Day of Christmas .. ROTSH

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Prompt: Decorating for Christmas.

Christmas wasn't something overly big or small in his life. He never went overboard with decorations or spent high prices on gifts. He celebrated it with his family like anyone else did but he never even made Christmas dinner before. 

He never went out of his way to make it an important day in his life. He held a small tree for his apartment and he'd always got something he knew his parents would need. But he never offered to cook or to make a big deal out of the day. 

It was just another day where he and everyone had the chance to be spoiled and spoil others. 

He rather liked being spoiled but after the main fun was done and finished with, the rest of the day felt like any other day in the week. It was never fully special and he didn't fill with excitement for it anymore. 

But he did miss Christmas. 

He missed home, not everything from his old life but he missed some of it. 

Christmas was something he missed, it was strange but he did miss it. 

He didn't miss the crazy expensive prices, the stomach ache from over eating nor the repeating songs inside every store and radio. He didn't miss how crazy people became nor how busy the roads and pavements would become with people. 

He just missed being at home, cheap and messy decorations thrown around and he few gifts bought with the person in mind. 

He missed the comfort of home on a Christmas morning. 

The worse part was that he didn't realize it until Raphtalia had asked over any traditions he had in his old life. They were heading back to the capitol, Filo was fast asleep by the fire and it left the two of them to just talk. Real talk. Over life before the shield brought them together as a team. 

Christmas had came to mind and he told Raph all about the winter holiday and the many celebrations and meaning it held to his home world. He couldn't stop himself from telling her about the good and bad parts that came with Christmas every year. 

He didn't know he missed it until he had finished and saw that longing in Raphtalia's eyes that he knew he held himself. 

It was in the moment that he was determined to bring a private Christmas to those he learnt to care for in this world. As well as a few friend's who deserved to be reminded over home a little. 

He didn't waste time in speaking with Queen Mirellia once he had reached the castle. Leaving Raphtalia and Filo to go find Melty and catch up with her. The Queen had patiently heard out his plans and agreed for him to hold his private ball at the castle itself, making sure no one could openly disturb the day and allow all who would be invited to safely have fun. 

It didn't take long for him to find the girls again, finally announcing his plans and gaining their help to make the day happen. The guest list was sent out early, a small gathering for such a big day needed everyone's help to chip in and bring it all together. 

The other three heroes arrived, bringing those from their party as their plus ones to the day. All happy to listen and help start making decorations needed. Erhard popped up, agreeing to come and using his skills at mending armour to help create new metal decorations from old and broken armour that'd be thrown away if not created to something new and smaller. 

The queen helped by giving them a kind budget to buy anything new needed and giving them the freedom to make the day as magical as it once stood to be in their childhood. 

Malty wasn't given the chance to make trouble or ruin the event, Motoyasu stepping in and putting her in her place whenever she tried to start something or say anything negatively over the whole thing. He was rather looking to see the final results of all their hard work and didn't want it to be ruined either. 

Itsuki and Ren was mostly in charge of checking over anything bought and picked up by their party. Checking they'd be useful and the correct colours for the season themes. Checking over what's made and making sure everything it kept to the Christmas theme one way or another. 

All four heroes party all worked hard, working as one large party and holding no bad or friendly competition towards one another. Understanding that the planned day was important to all the heroes. 

Filo was happy to help with the higher tasks, flapping her wings and jumping high to put up the higher decorations. 

He and Raphtalia mostly focused on the tree, filling it with the made decorations and not over balancing it in any way. Leaving Erhard the honour to place the star he had melted and formed for them all to place it at the top of the tree. 

The grand ball room was filled with bright and dark colours all glittering and mixing togehter in a blinding view of perfection. 

Reds, Golds, Silvers, Greens and whites filled the whole room. 

Gifts bought within everyone's own parties, none bothering to buy for everyone and just mostly doing their own version of secret Santa within parties. All presents tucked under the tree, left to wait until after breakfast of the 25th. 

The queen having even taken the thrown chairs out and leaving everyone to stand within the same rank, leaving everyone to be treated with respect and honour. 

Fresh baked treats scent filling the air and grand meals prepared for them all. 

Music was played, tunes similar to their own worlds and being almost as annoying catchy as always. 

This year, he finally felt the joy of decorating with his family again. 

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