On the 3rd Day of Christmas .. JayDick

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Prompt: Christmas lights/Christmas dance.

December in Gotham is always frantic. The day where the whole city sits quiet is Christmas day, strangely all the criminals and crazy rogues decide to give the people of Gotham a break to enjoy their holiday. 

But that meant the other thirty days of the month is hectic and unkind. Leaving all the bats and birds within the city to work longer and harder. The nippy air biting at their skin even with the heated suits they wear.  

It meant that most of them are left burned out, moody or spiritless time the single day off, the night off finally reaches them. Even the few birds and bats that only return home for a couple days or a week start to grow worn out quickly in winter. 

Hence a yearly seasonally game is invented each December to make the month more seasonally and fun. It keeps their sprits up and gives them something fun to focus on during all the rough patrols around them. 

This year, the states were much higher than a plate full of Alfred's Christmas cookies. This year, love was on the line. 

If Jason won than he finally got to take original robin out on a date, hoping to woo the older man. 

If Dick won than he got to kiss Jason Todd, not Red Hood's helmet.  

Tim commented that wouldn't both of them win either way and that commented ended with him getting an after patrol snack shoved into his mouth before the pair walked away. 

Damian asked what he'd gain if he won and both promised him a trip to the zoo while overlooking any animals kidnapped a couple of days afterwards. 

Thankfully the four birds knew a very rich man who wouldn't even blink twice over a payment for a couple hundred dollars. Money that proved that the four had spent on battery powered Christmas lights. 

Christmas lights that will be used to tie up any criminals and rogues, lights turned on and left for the cops of Gotham to find their suspects all wrapped up for Christmas. 

That was this years game. 

Wrapping Christmas lights around caught criminals.

Alfred had merely helped to keep the lights from becoming tangled in the small sacks the four would be having hooked to their utility belts. Batman had given a heavy sigh and just left early, not wanting to deal with any of it. 

The Christmas lights didn't reach the press until the third night of criminals being left wrapped in them. Seemed all of Gotham brighten up at the new reports, laughter filling the air as they read the papers or chuckles as they watched the news. 

Even the criminals seemed to enjoy the joke. Some dressing Grinch jumpers or naughty elf tops. Joining in the fun, knowing they were doing wrong even as they do it. Starting to request certain shapes from the handful of Christmas lights the vigilantes were carrying.

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