On The 22nd Day of Christmas.. GrayLu.

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Fairy Tail was one of the first long series I actual watched when I first understood what Anime was. I had unknowingly watched a few when I was younger.

Don't anyone start a fight or make a fuss but Graylu was also one of my first main ships that I made as a teen. I always knew they wouldn't be end game and I do LOVE their bond and friendship. But I could also picture a future where they ended up happy with one another, later on in their years. I felt like they'd be close to retirement when they finally settle down and accept the feelings they held. 

I haven't actual watched the final season. 

I've heard that it's got a final ending to the whole storyline and I just can't bring myself to end a childhood series with a set ending. I like to think that they'd carry on being with the guild, going on adventures and a promised over their storyline not finishing just yet.  

Like when an anime finishes with the hint of retirement but doesn't show them settled down and leaves us feeling as if they've still got some story left to finish in their lives. 

I've a bit of a sap, I know.

So, don't expect anything linked with the new season and PLEASE, NO SPOILERS!

I've heard enough spoilers that I've refused to even watch the final season due to not wanting it to have a set ending. 




Prompt: Christmas Escape/Christmas Dance in the snow.

Gray took notice over Lucy looking a little lonely and trapped in the guild. His eyes always seemed to find her in a room packed with people. He's known that she's always gained his full attention but hasn't dared to speak over it out loud. 

He wasn't sure if she held any feelings for Natsu, didn't want to be a bad friend to someone he did indeed respect. He also didn't want to risk losing her by speaking over feelings she might not share. 

He'd rather stay silent, dream over what could have been than lose her forever. 

Instead he glanced around the room, taking in how everyone had grown to be festival and fill with the holiday spirt. Even Plue and Happy were off dancing to the live music, both taking care to not be stepped on or squashed by the rest dancing to the seasonal music. 

Cana, Gildarts and all having a drinking competition with Macao acting as the ref while Wakaba was passed out drunk beside his old friend. Snoring away and being ignored by everyone else. 

The Christmas tree completion was going down between Levy and Freed. Neither really winning as no rules or expectations were given beforehand. But 

A Christmas food eating competition was being done with Droy, Loke and a few other Celestial Spirits that could eat a table and a half stacked with food. Dory somehow handing his own that even Loke was starting to raise his hand in defeat. 

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